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Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Family

   1.0 Read Me First
   2.0 Pre-installation Notes
       2.1  Check Minimum Hardware Requirements
       2.2  Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0
       2.3  Security restrictions on viewing Web pages and running
             executable files 
   3.0 Copyright
1.0 Read Me First
This document provides late-breaking or other information that
supplements the documentation for the Windows Server 2003 family.
Before you install a product in the Windows Server 2003 family, print
and read this document for critical pre-installation information 
concerning this release. For the most up-to-date list of supported 
hardware, see the hardware compatibility information in the Windows 
Catalog ( In addition, 
print and read the following files located in the \Docs folder on your
operating system disc:
   * Setup instructions
   * Release notes (relnotes.htm), important compatibility and
     postinstallation information
New features are described in detail in Help and Support Center.
To view Help and Support Center in the Windows Server 2003 family, 
after completing Setup, click Start, and then click Help and Support.
2.0 Pre-installation Notes
2.1 Check Minimum Hardware Requirements
You should read article 814617, "System Requirements in Windows Server
2003" in the Microsoft Knowledge Base ( 
to check for any updated hardware requirements for installing and 
running products in the Windows Server 2003 family.
2.2 Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0
Products: Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition; Windows Server 2003,
Enterprise Edition; Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition 
Because of increased security measures, the World Wide Web Publishing
Service (WWW service) is not enabled by default in these products
after you upgrade from the Windows 2000 Server family with IIS 5.0. If
you have already upgraded, you can start the WWW service by using the
Services snap-in as described in relnotes.htm in the \Docs folder on
the operating system disc.
If you have not yet upgraded and you want the WWW service to be
enabled by default after you upgrade, you must perform one of the
following steps before you start the upgrade:
  * If you have not already done so, run the IIS Lockdown Tool on the
    computer that you want to upgrade. 
    The IIS Lockdown Tool reduces the attack surface of your server by
    disabling unnecessary features and gives you the choice to
    enable and customize features for your site. This tool is
    available from the "IIS Lockdown Tool" page on the Microsoft Web
  * Create the registry key RetainW3SVCStatus under the 
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC node, 
    and then add a DWORD value of any name equal to 1. For example, 
    create the key
    \RetainW3SVCStatus\do_not_disable with the DWORD value of 1.
Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system.
Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued
data on the computer.
 * Add the entry "DisableWebServiceOnUpgrade = false" to the script
   that you will use to perform an unattended installation.
   After the upgrade is complete, ensure that all unnecessary IIS
   features have been removed or disabled and that the enabled features
   are configured with the highest security settings that your
   organization can support. 
For more information, see the topics "What's Changed" and "Security
Best Practices" in IIS 6.0 Help.
2.3 Security restrictions on viewing Web pages and running executable
The default security settings in Internet Explorer are more
restrictive in the Windows Server 2003 family than in earlier versions
of Windows. When you upgrade, any settings that do not match the new
default settings are overwritten. These changes decrease the exposure
of your servers to attacks that are launched through Web content.
However, users will not be able to view many Web pages correctly when
using the default security settings. To allow users to see these Web
pages correctly, you must explicitly grant access. In addition, users
will not be able to run executable files from Universal Naming
Convention (UNC) shared folders until you or the users have added the
shared computer to the Local intranet security zone in Internet
For more information about security settings and how to change them,
see relnotes.htm in the \Docs folder on the operating system disc.
3.0 Copyright
Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web
site references, is subject to change without notice.  Unless
otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products,
domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places and events
depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real
company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo,
person, place or event is intended or should be inferred.  Complying
with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. 
Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document
may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without
the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. 
Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks,
copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject
matter in this document.  Except as expressly provided in any written
license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does
not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or
other intellectual property.
(c) 2003 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows, and Windows NT are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States
and/or other countries.
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the
trademarks of their respective owners.
                Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition
                    Setup Text Files, Part 1 of 4:
         Getting Ready for an Upgrade or a New Installation
This part of the Setup text file series can help you plan for an
installation or upgrade to Microsoft Windows Server 2003,
Standard Edition, in a network with one to five servers and 100 or
fewer clients. For help with planning the upgrade or installation of a
larger number of servers, see the Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Deployment Kit. You can view the Windows Deployment and Resource Kits
on the Web at:
The following list of headings can help you find the planning
information that applies to you. For information about running Setup,
see Server4.TXT.
In Server1.TXT:
     1.0    Upgrades Compared to New Installations
     2.0    System Requirements and Hardware Compatibility
     3.0    Important Files to Review
     4.0    Upgrades in a Domain Containing Windows 2000 Domain
In Server2.TXT:
     5.0    Upgrades in a Windows NT 4.0 Domain
     6.0    Decisions to Make for a New Installation
     7.0    Choosing a Licensing Mode
In Server3.TXT:
     8.0    Deciding Whether a Computer Will Contain More Than One
            Operating System
     9.0    Choosing a File System for the Installation Partition
    10.0    Planning Disk Partitions or Volumes for New Installations
    11.0    Networks: TCP/IP, IP Addresses, and Name Resolution
    12.0    Deciding Between Workgroups and Domains
After completing the installation or upgrade of the first server, you
can get detailed instructions about how to use products in the
Windows Server 2003 family by opening Help and Support Center.
To open Help and Support Center, click Start, and then click Help and
You can also view Help and Support Center topics on the Web at:
This section compares upgrading to performing a new installation.
Upgrading is either replacing Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (with
Service Pack 5 or later) with a product in the
Windows Server 2003 family, or replacing
Microsoft Windows 2000 with a product in the
Windows Server 2003 family. Installing, in contrast with
upgrading, means completely removing the previous operating system, or
installing a product in the Windows Server 2003 family on a disk
or disk partition with no previous operating system.
The following lists describe items to consider when deciding between
an upgrade and a new installation:
Points to consider for an upgrade:
   * With an upgrade, configuration is simpler, and your existing
     users, settings, groups, rights, and permissions are retained.
   * With an upgrade, you do not need to re-install files and
     applications. As with any major changes to the hard disk,
     however, it is recommended that you back up the disk before
     beginning an upgrade.
   * Before planning to perform an upgrade, see "Operating Systems
     from Which You Can Upgrade" later in this text file.
   * If you are upgrading in a domain that includes domain controllers
     running Windows 2000, be sure to read "Upgrades in a Domain
     Containing Windows 2000 Domain Controllers" later in this
     text file.
   * If you are upgrading in a domain where all domain controllers run
     Windows NT 4.0, be sure to read "Upgrades in a Windows NT 4.0
     Domain" in Server2.TXT.
   * If you want to upgrade and then use the same applications as
     before, be sure to review applications information in
     Relnotes.htm (in the \Docs folder on the Setup CD). Also, for the
     most recent information on compatible applications for products
     in the Windows Server 2003 family, see the software
     compatibility information in the Windows Catalog at:

Points to consider for a new installation:
   * If you reformat your hard disk and then perform a new
     installation, the efficiency of your disk might improve
     (compared to not reformatting it). Reformatting also gives you
     the opportunity to modify the size or number of disk partitions,
     to make them match your requirements more closely.
   * If you want to practice careful configuration management, for
     example, for a server where high availability is important, you
     might want to perform a new installation on that server instead
     of an upgrade. This is especially true on servers on which the
     operating system has been upgraded several times in the past.
   * It is possible to install Windows Server 2003,
     Standard Edition, and also allow the computer to sometimes
     run another operating system. Setting up the computer this way,
     however, presents complexities because of file system issues.
     For more information, see "Deciding Whether a Computer Will
     Contain More Than One Operating System" in Server3.TXT.
        Note: If you want to install Windows Server 2003,
        Standard Edition, on a computer that previously ran an
        operating system released before Windows 2000:
           * Do not install Windows Server 2003, Standard
             Edition, on a compressed drive unless the drive was
             compressed with the NTFS file system compression
             utility. Uncompress a DriveSpace or DoubleSpace volume
             before running Setup on it.
           * If you used Windows NT 4.0 to create a volume set,
             mirror set, stripe set, or stripe set with parity, and
             you want to run Setup for Windows Server 2003,
             Standard Edition, on that computer, you must prepare the
             disk set first. For details, see "Working with Volume,
             Mirror, or Stripe Sets or Stripe Sets with Parity" in
1.1   Operating Systems from Which You Can Upgrade
If you upgrade, Setup automatically installs Windows Server
2003, Standard Edition, into the same folder as the currently
installed operating system. You can upgrade to Windows Server
2003, Standard Edition, from the following versions of Windows:
   * Windows NT Server 4.0 with Service Pack 5 or later
   * Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition, with Service Pack
     5 or later
   * Windows 2000 Server.
     Remote Storage is not included on Windows Server 2003,
     Standard Edition. If you are using Windows 2000 Server with
     Remote Storage, you cannot upgrade to Windows Server 2003,
     Standard Edition. You can, however, upgrade to Windows
     Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, because Remote Storage is
     included in this product.
     If you have Windows 2000 Server with the Remote Storage component
     installed, but you are not using Remote Storage, you can remove
     the component (through Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel) and
     then upgrade to Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition.
If you have Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition, you can upgrade
to Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, but not Windows
Server 2003, Standard Edition. Before upgrading from Windows NT 4.0,
you must apply Service Pack 5 or later.
   Note: If you have a version of Windows NT earlier than 4.0, you
   cannot upgrade directly to a product in the Windows Server
   2003 family. You must first upgrade to Windows NT 4.0 and apply
   Service Pack 5 before upgrading to a product in the Windows
   Server 2003 family.
Before upgrading or installing your server, make sure that you have
chosen hardware that supports Windows Server 2003,
Standard Edition.
2.1   System Requirements
To ensure adequate performance, make sure that computers on which you
install or upgrade to Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, meet
the following requirements:
   * One or more processors with a recommended minimum speed of 550
     MHz (minimum supported speed is 133 MHz). A maximum of four
     processors per computer is supported. Processors from the Intel
     Pentium/Celeron family, AMD K6/Athlon/Duron family, or compatible
     processors are recommended.
   * 256 megabytes (MB) of RAM recommended minimum (128 MB
     minimum supported; 4 gigabytes (GB) maximum).
   * A hard disk partition or volume with enough free space to
     accommodate the setup process. To ensure that you have
     flexibility in your later use of the operating system, it is
     recommended that you allow considerably more space than the
     minimum required for running Setup, which is approximately 1.25
     GB to 2 GB. The larger amount of space is required if you are
     running Setup across a network instead of from a CD-ROM, or if
     you are upgrading on a FAT or FAT32 partition (NTFS is the
     recommended file system).
     In addition, a domain controller upgrade from Windows NT 4.0
     could require much more space than other upgrades, because the
     existing user accounts database can expand by as much as a factor
     of ten during the upgrade, as Active Directory functionality
     is added.
        Note: The setup process requires the free disk space described
        in the previous paragraphs. After Setup is finished, actual
        hard disk space used for the operating system will be more
        than the free space required for Setup, because of space
        needed for the paging file, for any optional components you
        install, and (on domain controllers) for user accounts and
        other Active Directory information. The usual size for the
        paging file is 1.5 times the size of the RAM. For information
        about the paging file, optional components, user accounts, and
        information stored in Active Directory, see Help and Support
        Center. To open Help and Support Center, after completing
        Setup, click Start, and then click Help and Support.
   * VGA or higher-resolution monitor (Super VGA 800x600 or higher
     recommended), keyboard, and (optionally) a mouse or other
     pointing device.
     As an alternative, for operation without a monitor or keyboard,
     you can choose a remote diagnostic and support processor that is
     designed for products in the Windows Server 2003 family. For
     details, see the hardware compatibility information in the
     Windows Catalog at:

For CD-ROM installation:
   * A CD-ROM or DVD drive.
For network installation:
   * One or more network adapters and related cables that are designed
     for products in the Windows Server 2003 family. For details,
     see the hardware compatibility information in the
     Windows Catalog at:

   * A server from which to offer network access for the Setup files.
For additional hardware-based functionality:
   * Appropriate hardware for the functionality you require. For
     example, if you require sound, you must have a compatible sound
     card with speakers or headphones, and if you plan to support
     network clients, the servers and clients must have appropriate
     network adapters and cables. For details about your hardware, see
     the hardware compatibility information in the Windows Catalog at:
2.2   Hardware Compatibility
One of the most important steps to take before upgrading or
installing your server is to confirm that your hardware is compatible
with products in the Windows Server 2003 family. You can do this
by running a preinstallation compatibility check from the Setup CD or
by checking the hardware compatibility information at the Windows
Catalog Web site. Also, as part of confirming hardware compatibility,
check to see that you have obtained updated hardware device drivers
and an updated system BIOS.
Regardless of whether you run a preinstallation compatibility check,
Setup checks hardware and software compatibility at the beginning of
an installation or upgrade and displays a report if there
are incompatibilities.
Running a preinstallation compatibility check from the Setup CD
You can run a hardware and software compatibility check from the
Setup CD. The compatibility check does not require you to actually
begin an installation or upgrade. To run the check, insert the Setup
CD in the CD-ROM drive and, when a display appears, follow the prompts
for checking system compatibility. You will be offered the option to
download the latest Setup files (through Dynamic Update) when you run
the check. If you have Internet connectivity, it is recommended that
you allow the download.
For more information about downloading the latest Setup files, see
"Using Dynamic Update for Updated Drivers and Other Setup Files" later
in this text file.
Another way to run the compatibility check is to insert the Setup CD
in the CD-ROM drive, open a command prompt, and type:
d:\i386\winnt32 /checkupgradeonly
where d represents the CD-ROM drive.
Checking hardware and software compatibility information on the
Microsoft Web site
Another way to confirm that your hardware and software are designed
for products in the Windows Server 2003 family is to check the
hardware and software compatibility information in the Windows Catalog
Note that one type of hardware no longer supported is the
Micro Channel bus.
Checking drivers and system BIOS
Check that you have obtained updated drivers for your hardware
devices and that you have the latest system BIOS. The device
manufacturers can help you obtain these items. For information about
the ACPI standard for the BIOS, see "Understanding ACPI BIOS" later in
this text file.
Finally, if you have devices that do not use Plug and Play, or you
are aware that your Plug and Play devices are not implemented exactly
to the standards, consider taking a device inventory of the hardware
devices in your computer. For more information, see the next section,
"Taking an Inventory of Devices That Do Not Use Plug and Play."
2.2.1  Taking an Inventory of Devices That Do Not Use Plug and Play
This section describes steps you can take if the devices in your
computer do not use Plug and Play technology. For important
information about hardware compatibility (including the compatibility
of devices), be sure to read "System Requirements" and "Hardware
Compatibility" earlier in this text file. For specific information
about using a mass storage controller (such as a SCSI, RAID, or Fibre
Channel adapter) with a driver that was supplied by the manufacturer,
see "Mass Storage Drivers and the Setup Process" in Server4.TXT.
Products in the Windows Server 2003 family include Plug and Play
technology so that devices (for example, video and network adapters)
can be automatically recognized by the operating system, configuration
conflicts are avoided, and you do not have to specify each device's
settings by hand. However, if you have devices that do not use Plug
and Play, or you are aware that your Plug and Play devices are not
implemented exactly to the standards, you might want to take steps to
avoid device configuration conflicts. This section describes steps you
can take, if you choose, to understand your device configuration
before running Setup.
To take an inventory of your devices, use the existing operating
system to obtain the current settings, such as memory address and
interrupt request (IRQ), used with your devices. For example, with
Windows NT 4.0, you can use Control Panel to view settings (on the
Start menu, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then
double-click icons such as Network and Ports). You might also choose
to view system BIOS information. To do this, watch the screen while
starting the computer, and then press the appropriate key when
At the beginning of an upgrade, the Setup program automatically takes
a device inventory as well. For devices that do not use Plug and Play,
or that are not implemented exactly to Plug and Play standards, taking
your own inventory helps prevent the following difficulties:
   * If two or more adapters share IRQ settings or memory addresses,
     the Setup program might not be able to resolve the conflict. To
     prevent this, you can take one of two approaches.
     You can remove one of the adapters before running Setup and
     re-install it afterward. For information about installing and
     configuring adapters and other hardware devices, see Help and
     Support Center. To open Help and Support Center, after completing
     Setup, click Start, and then click Help and Support.
     As an alternative, you can modify one adapter's IRQ settings and
     memory addresses before running Setup, so that each adapter's
     settings are unique.
   * If adapters do not respond in a standard way to the attempts by
     Setup to detect or enumerate them, Setup might receive
     indecipherable or inaccurate information. In this case, you might
     need to remove these devices before running Setup, and re-install
     and configure them afterward. For information about installing
     and configuring adapters and other hardware devices, see Help and
     Support Center. To open Help and Support Center, after completing
     Setup, click Start, and then click Help and Support.
The following table lists the kinds of information to gather if you
have devices that do not use Plug and Play, and you decide to take a
device inventory before starting Setup.
Video            Adapter or chip set type and how many video adapters
Network          IRQ, I/O address, Direct Memory Address (DMA) if
                 used, connector type (for example, BNC or twisted
                 pair), and bus type
SCSI             Adapter model or chip set, IRQ, and bus type
Mouse            Mouse type and port (COM1, COM2, or PS/2) or USB
I/O port         IRQ, I/O address, and DMA (if used) for each I/O
Sound adapter    IRQ, I/O address, and DMA
Universal        Which devices and hubs are attached
serial bus (USB)
PC card          Which adapters are inserted and in which slots
Plug and Play    Whether enabled or disabled in BIOS
BIOS settings    BIOS revision and date
External modem   COM port connections (COM1, COM2, and so on)
Internal modem   COM port connections; for nonstandard
                 configurations, IRQ and I/0 address
Advanced         Enabled or disabled; current setting
and Power
(ACPI); Power
PCI              Which PCI adapters are inserted and in which
2.2.2  Understanding ACPI BIOS
The basic input/output system (BIOS) is a set of software through
which the operating system (or Setup) communicates with the computer's
hardware devices. The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
(ACPI) is the current standard for the way the BIOS works. Products in
the Windows Server 2003 family support not only ACPI-compliant
BIOS versions, but also some BIOS versions based on older advanced
power management (APM) and Plug and Play designs.
Some ACPI-based BIOS versions are not compliant with the standard.
The more recent the version of an ACPI BIOS, the more likely that it
is compliant. An ACPI-based BIOS that is not compliant with the ACPI
standard might not support workable communication between the
operating system (or Setup) and your hardware. If workable
communication is not supported, Setup stops and displays instructions
for contacting your hardware manufacturer and taking other steps to
solve the problem. If this happens, follow the instructions provided.
To learn more about the ACPI compliance of your BIOS:
   * For information about your BIOS version, before running Setup,
     restart the computer and watch the text on the screen. Pay
     particular attention to blocks of text containing the words
     "BIOS" or "ACPI BIOS."
   * For information about BIOS versions for your hardware, check your
     hardware documentation and contact your hardware manufacturer.
2.2.3  Using Dynamic Update for Updated Drivers and Other Setup Files
If you have a working Internet connection on the computer on which
you run Setup, you can choose Dynamic Update during Setup and obtain
the most up-to-date Setup files, including drivers and other files.
Whenever an important update is made to any crucial Setup file, that
update is made available through Dynamic Update functionality built
into the Windows Update Web site. Some of the updated files will be
replacements (for example, an updated driver or updated Setup file)
and some will be additions (for example, a driver not available at the
time that the Setup CD was created). It is recommended that you use
Dynamic Update when running Setup.
Dynamic Update has been carefully designed so that it is reliable and
easy to use:
   * The files on the Dynamic Update section of the Windows Update Web
     site have been carefully tested and selected. Only files that are
     important in ensuring that Setup runs well are made available
     through Dynamic Update. Files with minor updates that will not
     significantly affect Setup are not part of Dynamic Update.
   * Because Dynamic Update downloads only the files that are required
     for your computer, the Dynamic Update software briefly examines
     your computer hardware. No personal information is collected, and
     no information is saved. The only purpose is to select
     appropriate drivers for your hardware configuration. This keeps
     the download as short as possible and ensures that only necessary
     drivers are downloaded to your hard disk.
   * You can use Dynamic Update when running a preinstallation
     compatibility check from the product CD, or when running Setup
     itself. Either way, you obtain the most up-to-date files for
     running Setup. For information about running the compatibility
     check, see "Hardware Compatibility" earlier in this text file.
   * You can use Dynamic Update with unattended Setup. Preparing for
     this requires several steps. For a brief description of
     unattended Setup, see "Planning for Unattended Setup" in
     Server4.TXT. For details about how to use Dynamic Update with
     unattended Setup (also called automated installation), see
     "Automating and Customizing Installations" in the
     Windows Server 2003 Deployment Kit. You can view the
     Windows Deployment and Resource Kits on the Web at:

The Windows Update Web site offers a variety of updates that you can
use after completing Setup. To learn more, go to:
At some point in your planning process, before you run Setup,
familiarize yourself with the Relnotes.htm file found in the \Docs
folder on the CD for Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition.
This file contains important usage information about topics such as
application compatibility, hardware, or networking. Also familiarize
yourself with information about hardware compatibility for products in
the Windows Server 2003 family. For more information, see
"Hardware Compatibility" earlier in this text file.
For the most recent information on compatible applications for
products in the Windows Server 2003 family, see the software
compatibility information in the Windows Catalog at:
If you are upgrading servers in a domain containing Windows 2000
domain controllers, there are a few points to keep in mind. The
following points are the most important:
   * The first step in planning the upgrade of a particular server is
     to check the compatibility of the hardware with products in the
     Windows Server 2003 family. For more information, see
     "Hardware Compatibility" earlier in this text file.
   * Before you upgrade the first domain controller in a domain where
     one or more domain controllers run Windows 2000, or add a domain
     controller running a product in the Windows Server 2003
     family, you must prepare the domain (and the forest in which it
     is located) using a simple tool on the Setup CD for Windows
     Server 2003, Standard Edition. For information, see "Preparing
     for Upgrades in a Domain Containing Windows 2000 Domain
     Controllers" later in this text file.
     Before preparing the domain (and the forest in which it is
     located), it is recommended that you apply Service Pack 2 or
     later to all domain controllers running Windows 2000.
   * If you have Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.0 installed on
     a server, when you upgrade the operating system, IIS is upgraded
     to IIS 6.0. However, for application compatibility, IIS runs in
     IIS 5.0 isolation mode after the upgrade. For more information
     about IIS isolation modes, see the IIS 6.0 Help.
   * After upgrading the first server, you can read topics in Help and
     Support Center about the features that are most useful to you in
     products in the Windows Server 2003 family.
     One concept to read about is domain and forest functional levels,
     which are levels of Active Directory functionality related to the
     mix of operating system versions on your domain controllers. As
     you complete domain controller upgrades and reduce the number of
     different operating system versions running on them, you can
     adjust the domain and forest functional levels appropriately.
     You can view Help and Support Center topics on the Web at:

     To view Help and Support Center on a server running Windows Server 2003,
     after completing Setup, click Start, and then click Help
     and Support.
If you have servers running Windows NT, also review the
following points:
   * Before running Setup, it is recommended that you review the file
     systems and partitions that exist on the server. You must have at
     least one NTFS partition on domain controllers. It is recommended
     that you use NTFS on all partitions on all the servers in the
     domain, because any FAT or FAT32 partition lacks many security
     features. For example, on FAT or FAT32 partitions, a shared
     folder can be protected only by the permissions set on that
     shared folder, not on individual files, and there is no software
     protection against local access to the partition. For more
     information, see "Reformatting or Converting a Partition to Use
     NTFS" in Server3.TXT.
   * If some of your domain controllers run Windows 2000 and some run
     Windows NT, it is recommended that you upgrade the Windows NT 
     domain controllers as soon as is practical, to reduce the number
     of version differences between computers, simplify management and
     troubleshooting, and strengthen security.
   * Before you begin an upgrade from Windows NT 4.0, you must apply
     Service Pack 5 or later.
   * If you have servers or client computers that run Windows NT 3.51,
     it is recommended that you install or upgrade to a newer
     operating system on all these computers, or retire them from
     operation. If you have more than one domain, you must upgrade
     domain controllers running Windows NT 3.51 for reliable logon
     validation. In any case, upgrading or retiring computers running
     Windows NT 3.51 strengthens security and reduces the number of
     version differences between computers, simplifying management and
After the domain and forest are prepared, there are two stages in the
upgrade of a domain controller. First you run Setup to upgrade the
operating system and then, when Setup is complete, you run the Active
Directory Installation Wizard (which appears on the screen the first
time you log on).
4.1   Preparing for Upgrades in a Domain Containing
      Windows 2000 Domain Controllers
Before beginning the first domain controller upgrade in a domain
where one or more domain controllers run Windows 2000, you must first
prepare the domain and the forest in which it is located. After
preparing the domain, you can begin the domain upgrade through either
of the following approaches:
   * Upgrade an existing domain controller to a product in the
     Windows Server 2003 family. (Be sure to check hardware
     compatibility first, as described in "Hardware Compatibility"
     earlier in this text file.)
     If you attempt to upgrade the first domain controller and you
     have not yet prepared the domain and the forest, Setup stops and
     a pop-up provides instructions.
   * Install Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, on a member
     server in the domain, and start the Active Directory Installation
     Wizard to change the member server into a domain controller.
     If you install Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, on a
     member server in the domain and start the Active Directory
     Installation Wizard, but you have not yet prepared the domain and
     the forest, the wizard stops and a pop-up provides instructions.
For additional background information about this type of domain
upgrade, see the previous section, "Upgrades in a Domain Containing
Windows 2000 Domain Controllers."
   1. Before carrying out this procedure, it is recommended that you
      apply Service Pack 2 or later to all domain controllers running
      Windows 2000.
   2. Locate the server that is the schema master and the server that
      is the infrastructure master (they might be the same server).
      In a network of two to five servers (a network within the size
      of those discussed in this text file series), the schema master
      is usually the server on which you first installed or upgraded
      to Windows 2000. For information about identifying the schema
      master or the infrastructure master, search Windows 2000 Help
      for the topics called "Identify the schema master" and "Identify
      the infrastructure master." To view Windows 2000 Help, click
      Start and then click Help. You can also view
      Windows 2000 Help at:
   3. Back up the schema master.
      You can back up other servers as well, as an appropriate part of
      preparing for upgrading, but be sure to back up the schema
      master just before taking the next step.
   4. Disconnect the schema master from the network and do not
      reestablish the connection until step 9 in this procedure.
   5. On the schema master, while Windows 2000 is running, insert the
      Setup CD for Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, in the
      CD-ROM drive.
   6. Open a command prompt, change to the CD-ROM drive, and change to
      the \i386 folder on the CD.
   7. On the schema master, at the command prompt, type
      adprep /forestprep
         Note: To perform this step, you must be a member of the
         Enterprise Admins group and the Schema Admins group in
         Active Directory, or you must have been delegated the
         appropriate authority. As a security best practice, consider
         using Run as. Run as is a secondary logon method that you can
         use to start commands or programs using a different security
         context. For example, you can log on as a member of the Users
         group and, without logging off, run a command as a member of
         the Enterprise Admins group. To find more information in
         Windows 2000 about Run as, on a server running Windows 2000,
         click Start, click Help, click the Search tab, and then
         search for "runas."
   8. After the preceding command has finished on the schema master,
      confirm that the preparation of the forest was successful. Steps
      you can take to do this include:
      * Confirm that no error messages have appeared.
      * Run any domain controller diagnostic tools that are available,
        for example, Dcdiag.exe, one of the tools available from the
        \Support\Tools folder on the Setup CD. Keep in mind that
        replication errors will appear while the domain controller is
        disconnected from the network.
      * Open Event Viewer and check the system log for errors or
        unexpected events.
   9. Evaluate the information you gathered in the previous step and
      choose accordingly:
      * If adprep /forestprep ran without errors, reconnect the schema
        master to the network and continue with the next step of this
      * If adprep /forestprep ran but error messages provided
        instructions for additional steps to take, follow the
        instructions and then return to the confirmation process
        described in the previous step.
      * If adprep /forestprep did not run successfully, or diagnostic
        tools such as Dcdiag.exe revealed a significant problem,
        restore the schema master from backup and investigate the
        corrective steps necessary so that adprep /forestprep can be
        run successfully.
  10. If the schema master is a different computer from the
      infrastructure master, wait for the changes made by adprep
      /forestprep to replicate from the schema master to the
      infrastructure master. Wait at least fifteen minutes, but allow
      longer (half a day or a day) if the schema and infrastructure
      masters are not at the same site. If you try to perform the
      domain preparation on the infrastructure master before the
      changes have replicated, Adprep will provide an error message
      to notify you that more time is needed.
  11. On the infrastructure master, while Windows 2000 is running,
      insert the Setup CD for Windows Server 2003, Standard
      Edition, in the CD-ROM drive.
  12. Open a command prompt, change to the CD-ROM drive, and change to
      the \i386 folder on the CD.
  13. On the infrastructure master, type
      adprep /domainprep
         Note: To perform this step, you must be a member of the
         Domain Admins group or the Enterprise Admins group in
         Active Directory, or you must have been delegated the
         appropriate authority. As a security best practice, consider
         using Run as. Run as is described in the previous note in
         this section.
  14. After the preceding command has finished on the infrastructure
      master, confirm that the preparation of the domain was
      successful. Steps you can take to do this include:
      * Confirm that no error messages have appeared.
      * Run any domain controller diagnostic tools that are available.
      * Open Event Viewer and check the system log for errors or
        unexpected events.
  15. Evaluate the information you gathered in the previous step and
      choose accordingly:
      * If adprep /domainprep ran without errors, continue with the
        next step of this procedure.
      * If adprep /domainprep ran but error messages provided
        instructions for additional steps to take, follow the
        instructions and then return to the confirmation process
        described in the previous step.
  16. Wait for the changes made by adprep /domainprep to replicate
      from the infrastructure master to other domain controllers. Wait
      at least fifteen minutes, but allow longer (half a day or a day)
      if you have a domain controller in a remote site. If you begin
      to upgrade one of the other domain controllers before the
      changes have replicated, a pop-up message will notify you that
      more time is needed.
After you complete this procedure, you can leave your domain
controllers running Windows 2000 for an indefinite length of time, or
you can begin the domain controller upgrade immediately.
   Note: For information about upgrading multiple domains, see the
   Windows Server 2003 Deployment Kit.
(additional Setup information in Server2.TXT)
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                Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition
                    Setup Text Files, Part 2 of 4:
         Getting Ready for an Upgrade or a New Installation (cont.)
This part of the Setup text file series can help you plan for an
installation or upgrade to Microsoft Windows Server 2003,
Standard Edition, in a network with one to five servers and 100 or
fewer clients.
The following list of headings can help you find the planning
information that applies to you. For information about running Setup,
see Server4.TXT.
In Server1.TXT:
     1.0    Upgrades Compared to New Installations
     2.0    System Requirements and Hardware Compatibility
     3.0    Important Files to Review
     4.0    Upgrades in a Domain Containing Windows 2000 Domain
In Server2.TXT:
     5.0    Upgrades in a Windows NT 4.0 Domain
     6.0    Decisions to Make for a New Installation
     7.0    Choosing a Licensing Mode
In Server3.TXT:
     8.0    Deciding Whether a Computer Will Contain More Than One
            Operating System
     9.0    Choosing a File System for the Installation Partition
    10.0    Planning Disk Partitions or Volumes for New Installations
    11.0    Networks: TCP/IP, IP Addresses, and Name Resolution
    12.0    Deciding Between Workgroups and Domains
The sections that follow provide information about upgrading servers
in a Windows NT 4.0 domain, that is, a domain where all domain
controllers run Windows NT 4.0. The guidelines provided are for a
network with one to five servers and 100 or fewer clients (the size of
network discussed in this text file series). For information about
upgrading servers in a domain where one or more domain controllers run
Windows 2000, see "Upgrades in a Domain Containing Windows 2000 Domain
Controllers" in Server1.TXT.
The following list describes the sections about upgrading servers in
a Windows NT 4.0 domain:
   * For an overview of the upgrading process, see "Stages in the
     Process of Upgrading Servers in a Windows NT 4.0 Domain" later in
     this text file.
   * For information about initial preparations such as checking
     hardware compatibility and reviewing the size of partitions on
     server hard disks, see "Basic Preparations for the Upgrade of
     Servers in a Windows NT Domain" later in this text file.
   * For more information about planning steps that help you tailor
     the upgrade to your specific situation, see the following
     sections later in this text file:
     * "Planning Server Roles and the Order of Server Upgrades from
       Windows NT"
     * "Features Available with the Upgrade of Any Server in a
        Windows NT Domain"
     * "Features Available with the First Domain Controller Upgrade in
       a Windows NT Domain"
     * "Planning DNS for the Upgrade of Domain Controllers Running
       Windows NT 4.0"
   * For more information about the final preparations to make just
     before beginning an upgrade, and guidelines about choices to make
     during the upgrade of domain controllers, see "Performing Backups
     and Carrying out Upgrades of Domain Controllers Running Windows
     NT 4.0" later in this text file.
Other Sources of Information
For additional information, see the following sources:
   * For conceptual information and procedures for using Active
     Directory, see the Active Directory topics in Help and Support
     Center. You can view Help and Support Center topics on the Web

     To view these topics on a server running Windows Server 2003,
     after completing Setup, click Start, and then click Help 
     and Support.
   * For information about deployments and upgrades in multiple
     domains or in domains larger than five servers, see the
     Windows Server 2003 Deployment Kit. You can view the
     Windows Deployment and Resource Kits on the Web at:

5.1   Stages in the Process of Upgrading Servers in a
      Windows NT 4.0 Domain
There are three stages to the process of upgrading servers in a
domain where all the domain controllers run Windows NT 4.0:
Basic preparations
There are a small number of basic preparations you must carry out
before upgrading servers to a product in the Windows Server 2003
family, such as confirming hardware compatibility and reviewing the
partitioning of the disks on the servers. For more information, see
"Basic Preparations for the Upgrade of Servers in a Windows NT Domain"
later in this text file.
Planning server roles and the order in which to upgrade servers
Planning server roles and the order in which to upgrade servers
involves understanding the server roles available, as well as deciding
when to upgrade domain controllers in relation to member servers:
   * The server roles available for servers running Windows NT are
     slightly different than for servers running Windows Server 2003.
     Also, in contrast with servers running Windows NT, you can change
     the role of a server running Windows Server 2003 without 
     reinstalling the operating system. For more information, see 
     "Planning Server Roles and the Order of Server Upgrades from 
     Windows NT" later in this text file.
   * If the first server running Windows NT 4.0 you upgrade is a
     member server, many features become available immediately. For
     information about reasons for upgrading a particular member
     server early in the process, see "Features Available with the
     Upgrade of Any Server in a Windows NT Domain" later in this
     text file.
   * When you upgrade the primary domain controller, many Active
     Directory features become available (in addition to all the
     other features in the Windows Server 2003 family). For
     information about how these features can simplify
     administration, see "Features Available with the First Domain
     Controller Upgrade in a Windows NT Domain" later in this text
     However, the upgrade to Active Directory also involves some
     advance planning. For information about the planning necessary
     before upgrading to Active Directory, see "Planning DNS for
     the Upgrade of Domain Controllers Running Windows NT 4.0" later
     in this text file.
        IMPORTANT: When you begin the upgrade of domain controllers
        running Windows NT 4.0, you must upgrade the primary
        domain controller first.
Performing backups and carrying out the upgrade process
There are a few preparations to make just before beginning the
upgrades, such as ensuring that you have applied Service Pack 5 or
later, and performing backups:
   * For information about the preparations to make just before
     beginning the upgrade, see "Applying the Service Pack,
     Performing Backups, and Other Preparations" later in this text
   * For information about choices to make during the upgrade of the
     primary domain controller, see "Running the Active Directory
     Installation Wizard After Upgrading the Primary Domain
     Controller" later in this text file.
   * For information on Help and Support Center topics about Active
     Directory, see "Learning About Active Directory After the First
     Server is Upgraded" later in this text file. You can also view
     the topics about Active Directory at:

   * For guidelines regarding further upgrades, see "Completing
     Further Upgrades from Windows NT 4.0" later in this text file.
5.2   Basic Preparations for the Upgrade of Servers in a
      Windows NT Domain
There are a small number of basic preparations you must carry out to
lay the groundwork for upgrading servers in a domain where all the
domain controllers run Windows NT 4.0. For information about how these
preparations fit into the overall process of the upgrade, see "Stages
in the Process of Upgrading Servers in a Windows NT 4.0 Domain"
earlier in this text file.
   IMPORTANT: If you have servers or client computers that run
   Windows NT 3.51, it is recommended that you install or upgrade to
   a newer operating system on all these computers, or retire them
   from operation. If you have more than one domain, you must upgrade
   domain controllers running Windows NT 3.51 for reliable logon
   validation. In any case, upgrading or retiring computers running
   Windows NT 3.51 strengthens security and reduces the number of
   version differences between computers, simplifying management and
Compatibility check
Check to see whether the applications and hardware on your systems
are compatible with products in the Windows Server 2003 family,
and then update or replace them as necessary. For important details
about how to do this, see "Hardware Compatibility" and "Important
Files to Review" in Server1.TXT.
Review partition sizes, especially on domain controllers
Review the partitions on the servers to make sure there is plenty of
free space available for the Windows Server 2003 operating system to
run. It is especially important to allow plenty of free space on
domain controllers, because the existing user accounts database can
expand by as much as a factor of ten when Active Directory
functionality is added. For information about the disk requirements
for the operating system, see "System Requirements" in Server1.TXT.
Review file systems on server partitions
You must have at least one NTFS partition on domain controllers. It
is recommended that you use NTFS on all partitions on all the servers
in the domain, because any FAT or FAT32 partition lacks many security
features. For example, on FAT or FAT32 partitions, a shared folder can
be protected only by the permissions set on the shared folder, not on
individual files, and there is no software protection against local
access to the partition. For more information, see "Choosing a File
System for the Installation Partition" and "Reformatting or Converting
a Partition to Use NTFS" in Server3.TXT.
Service pack
Obtain Service Pack 5 or later, because it is necessary for
the upgrade.
Mirror sets or other disk sets
If you used Windows NT 4.0 to create a volume set, mirror set, stripe
set, or stripe set with parity, and you want to run Setup for
Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, on that computer, you must
prepare the disk set first. For details, see "Working with Volume,
Mirror, or Stripe Sets or Stripe Sets with Parity" later in this text
5.2.1  Working with Volume, Mirror, or Stripe Sets or Stripe Sets
       with Parity
With the disk management technologies in Windows NT 4.0, you could
create volume sets, mirror sets, stripe sets, or stripe sets with
parity, each with specific capabilities and limitations. By using the
dynamic disk technology introduced with Windows 2000, you can use
similar technologies, with the added flexibility of being able to
extend disk volumes without repartitioning or reformatting.
This transition from the technologies used in Windows NT 4.0 means
that you must make certain choices before running Setup for
Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition. Any volume sets, mirror
sets, stripe sets, or stripe sets with parity that you created with
Windows NT 4.0 are not supported in Windows Server 2003,
Standard Edition, although they were supported to a limited extent in
Windows 2000.
If you used Windows NT 4.0 to create a volume set, mirror set, stripe
set, or stripe set with parity, and you want to run Setup for
Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, on that computer, you must
choose one of the following methods.
For a mirror set, break the mirror
If you are running Windows NT 4.0 on a computer that has a mirror set
and you want to run Setup for Windows Server 2003, Standard
Edition, on that computer, first back up the data (as a safeguard --
the data will not be erased) and then break the mirror. Ensure that
you have applied Service Pack 5 or later, required before running
Setup for Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition. Then run Setup.
For a volume set, stripe set, or stripe set with parity, back up the
data and delete the set
If you are running Windows NT 4.0 on a computer that has a volume
set, stripe set, or stripe set with parity, and you want to run Setup
for Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, on that computer,
first back up the data. Next, delete the set (which will delete the
data). Ensure that you have applied Service Pack 5 or later, required
before running Setup for Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition.
Then run Setup.
After running Setup for Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition,
you can make the disk dynamic, restore backed-up data as necessary,
and make use of the volume options shown in the table later in this
section. For more information about dynamic disks, see Help and
Support Center. To open Help and Support Center, after completing
Setup, click Start, and then click Help and Support.
If necessary, use the Ftonline support tool
The preceding methods are the recommended methods for preparing to
run Setup for Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, on a
computer that contains a volume set, mirror set, stripe set, or stripe
set with parity created with Windows NT 4.0. However, if you do not
use these methods and you must access one of these sets after running
Setup for Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, you can use the
Ftonline tool. The Ftonline tool is part of the Windows
Server 2003 family Support Tools. For more information, see topics on
Support Tools and on Ftonline in Help and Support Center. To open Help
and Support Center, after completing Setup, click Start, and then click
Help and Support.
Types of Multidisk Volumes on Dynamic Disks
The disk sets described in the previous section have different names
in the Windows Server 2003 family than they had in
Windows NT 4.0:
Volume set                     Spanned volume on a dynamic disk
Mirror set                     Mirrored volume on a dynamic disk
Stripe set                     Striped volume on a dynamic disk
Stripe set with parity         RAID-5 volume on a dynamic disk
5.3   Planning Server Roles and the Order of Server Upgrades from
      Windows NT
This section provides a list of basic guidelines to use when planning
server roles and the order of server upgrades in a domain where all
the domain controllers run Windows NT 4.0. For information about how
this planning fits into the overall process of the upgrade, see
"Stages in the Process of Upgrading Servers in a Windows NT 4.0
Domain" earlier in this text file.
Use the following guidelines when planning server roles and the order
of server upgrades from Windows NT:
   * Familiarize yourself with the slight differences between the
     naming of server roles for servers running Windows NT as compared
     to servers running Windows Server 2003:
     * In Windows NT, there are two kinds of domain controllers, the
       primary domain controller, which is limited to one per domain
       and contains a read-write database, and the backup domain
       controller, which is not limited in number and contains a
       read-only database.
     * For domain controllers running Windows Server 2003, there is 
       only one kind of domain controller, without a "primary" or
       "backup" designation. All domain controllers contain matching
       copies of the user accounts and other Active Directory data 
       in a given domain, and provide read-write access to that data.
     * In addition to domain controllers, the possible roles for
       either operating system include member server, which belongs
       to a domain but does not contain a copy of the Active Directory
       data, and stand-alone server, which belongs to a workgroup
       instead of a domain.
   * Note that in contrast with Windows NT, you can change the role of
     a server without rerunning Setup. However, as a general practice,
     it is best to plan the roles ahead of time and change them only
     as necessary.
   * As was true with Windows NT, a domain must have at least one
     domain controller, but it is recommended that a domain have
     multiple domain controllers for resilience in the handling of
     logon requests and directory updates.
   * If the features you need most are not Active Directory features,
     you can focus on upgrading member servers first. For information
     about reasons for upgrading a particular member server early in
     the process, see "Features Available with the Upgrade of Any
     Server in a Windows NT Domain" later in this text file.
   * If the features you need most are Active Directory features,
     focus on upgrading domain controllers first, and carry out the
     advance planning that is necessary for this part of the upgrade.
        IMPORTANT: When you begin the upgrade of domain controllers
        running Windows NT 4.0, you must upgrade the primary domain
        controller first.
For information about the features that come with Active Directory,
see "Features Available with the First Domain Controller Upgrade in a
Windows NT Domain" later in this text file. For information about the
planning necessary before upgrading to Active Directory, see "Planning
DNS for the Upgrade of Domain Controllers Running Windows NT 4.0"
later in this text file.
   * When you begin upgrading domain controllers, if you have a remote
     access server that is a member server, it is recommended that you
     upgrade it before the last domain controller is upgraded. Such a
     server is dependent on domain controllers for user information,
     and therefore should not be "left behind" when domain controllers
     are upgraded. As an alternative, you can weaken the security
     permissions in Active Directory so that the remote access server
     running Windows NT can read user attributes from the domain
     controllers running products in the Windows Server 2003
     family. For more information, see the Windows Server 2003
     Deployment Kit.
5.3.1  Features Available with the Upgrade of Any Server in a
       Windows NT Domain
If you are interested in the features in the following list, you
might want to focus on upgrading the member servers in your
Windows NT 4.0 domain. For information about reasons to upgrade the
domain controllers, see "Features Available with the First Domain
Controller Upgrade in a Windows NT Domain" later in this text file.
   * Management tools:
     Microsoft Management Console
     Plug and Play
     Device Manager
     Add Hardware Wizard (in Control Panel)
     Support for Universal Serial Bus
     Enhanced Backup utility
   * File system support: The version of NTFS in the Windows
     Server 2003 family includes support for disk quotas, the ability
     to defragment directory structures, and compressed network I/O.
   * Application services: Win32 Driver Model, DirectX 7.0, and
     Windows Script Host.
   * Printer protocol support: Device and protocol support allowing
     choices from more than 2,500 different printers. Other printing
     enhancements are included, for example, Internet Printing
     Protocol support, which allows users to print directly to a URL
     over an intranet or the Internet.
   * Scalability and availability: Improved symmetric multiprocessor
     support as compared to Windows NT.
   * Security: Encrypting File System.
5.3.2  Features Available with the First Domain Controller Upgrade
       in a Windows NT Domain
If you are interested in the features in the following list, all of
which are features of Active Directory, focus on upgrading the primary
domain controller, as opposed to member servers. (The first domain
controller that you upgrade must be the primary domain controller. It
is recommended that you also upgrade backup domain controllers.) For
information about the DNS planning necessary before beginning the
upgrade of domain controllers running Windows NT, see "Planning DNS
for the Upgrade of Domain Controllers Running Windows NT 4.0" later in
this text file.
For information about reasons to upgrade member servers, see
"Features Available with the Upgrade of Any Server in a Windows NT
Domain" earlier in this text file.
After running Setup, you can also display topics about Active
Directory and other feature areas in Help and Support Center (click
Start, and then click Help and Support).
   Note: When a domain controller is upgraded, it has all the features
   of the Windows Server 2003 family, which means it has all the
   features in the following list, plus the features in "Features
   Available with the Upgrade of Any Server in a Windows NT Domain"
   earlier in this text file.
When you upgrade a domain controller to run a Windows Server 2003
operating system instead of Windows NT, many Active Directory features
become available in the domain:
   * Simplified management of network-resource information and
     user information.
   * Group Policy, which you can use to set policies that apply across
     a given site, domain, or organizational unit in Active Directory.
   * Security and authentication features, including support for
     Kerberos V5, Secure Sockets Layer 3.0, and Transport Layer
     Security using X.509v3 certificates.
   * Directory consolidation, through which you can organize and
     simplify the management of users, computers, applications, and
     devices, and make it easier for users to find the information
     they want. You can take advantage of synchronization support
     through interfaces based on the Lightweight Directory Access
     Protocol (LDAP), and work with directory consolidation
     requirements specific to your applications.
   * Directory-enabled applications and infrastructure, which make it
     easier to configure and manage applications and other
     directory-enabled network components.
   * Scalability without complexity, a result of Active Directory
     scaling to millions of objects per domain and using indexing
     technology and advanced replication techniques to
     speed performance.
   * Use of Internet standards, including access through Lightweight
     Directory Access Protocol and a namespace based on the Domain
     Name System (DNS).
   * Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI), a powerful
     development environment.
   * Additional Active Directory features.
5.3.3  Planning DNS for the Upgrade of Domain Controllers Running
       Windows NT 4.0
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical naming system used for
locating computers on the Internet and private TCP/IP networks. This
section describes the planning for DNS that is recommended before you
upgrade to Active Directory, that is, before you upgrade the primary
domain controller in a Windows NT domain to become a domain controller
running Windows Server 2003.
DNS is the name resolution service used by Active Directory. Products
in the Windows Server 2003 family can support both the Windows
Internet Name Service (WINS) common in Windows NT networks, and DNS.
You must deploy DNS to support Active Directory. You can choose to
migrate from WINS to DNS or configure your new DNS infrastructure to
support your current WINS infrastructure.
For the upgrading of a network with one to five servers and 100 or
fewer clients (which is the size of network discussed in this text
file series), only a simple DNS plan is needed, because there will be
no parent or child domains. (For information about upgrading networks
with more than five servers, see the Windows Server 2003
Deployment Kit.) DNS names consist of name labels separated by
periods. A simple DNS domain name for a Windows Server 2003
family domain could take the form domainname.ext where ext is an
established "top-level domain" type such as com or org. With a domain
name of that form, the form of a computer name in the domain would be:
When you upgrade the primary domain controller in a Windows NT 4.0
domain (the primary domain controller must be upgraded first, before
backup domain controllers), you will be offered several different
options for the handling of DNS. If there is no DNS server available
to work with Active Directory, you will be offered, by default, the
option of installing DNS on the domain controller you are upgrading
(formerly the primary domain controller). In a network with one to
five servers, the simplest approach is to accept this default. Then,
after completing the upgrade of the server on which DNS was installed,
take note of its static IP address, and configure other computers to
send any DNS requests to that IP address. For additional basic
information about DNS and how to configure it during Setup, see "Name
Resolution for TCP/IP" in Server3.TXT. For more detailed information
about DNS, see the Windows Deployment and Resource Kits as well as
Help and Support Center. One way to view these sources of information
is to work from any computer that has Internet access (regardless of
the operating system running on that computer). You can view these
sources of information at:
Another way to view information about DNS is to go to a computer
running any product in the Windows Server 2003 family, click
Start, and then click Help and Support.
5.4   Performing Backups and Carrying out Upgrades of Domain
      Controllers Running Windows NT 4.0
There are a few preparations to make just before beginning an upgrade
from Windows NT 4.0, such as ensuring that you have applied Service
Pack 5 or later, and performing backups. During the upgrade, there are
a few choices to make for the upgrade of a network of two to five
servers (a network within the size of those discussed in this text
file series). The following sections describe these final preparations
and provide guidelines for making choices.
Before beginning this stage of the upgrade process, be sure to review
"Basic Preparations for the Upgrade of Servers in a Windows NT Domain"
and "Planning Server Roles and the Order of Server Upgrades from
Windows NT" earlier in this text file.
5.4.1  Applying the Service Pack, Performing Backups, and Other
Before beginning an upgrade of servers in a domain where all the
domain controllers run Windows NT 4.0, apply an appropriate Service
Pack, perform backups, and consider whether to remove a backup domain
controller temporarily from the network:
   * Be sure that you have applied Service Pack 5 or later to the
     servers. You must apply Service Pack 5 or later before you can
     begin an upgrade from Windows NT 4.0.
   * As with any major change to the contents of hard disks on your
     servers, it is recommended that you back up each server before
     upgrading it. Also be sure to review "Preparing Your System for
     an Upgrade" in Server4.TXT.
   * If you are preparing to upgrade the primary domain controller, to
     protect your existing network integrity, consider removing a
     backup domain controller temporarily from the network. To do
     this, in your existing Windows NT network, choose a backup domain
     controller, ensure that it has a current copy of the user
     accounts database, and back it up. Then disconnect its network
     cable. After the upgrade of your primary domain controller to
     become a domain controller running Windows Server 2003 (you must
     upgrade the primary domain controller first), this disconnected
     system is available for promotion to a Windows NT primary domain
     controller if necessary. However, in the course of an uneventful
     upgrade, you would not and could not promote the Windows NT
     backup domain controller to primary domain controller. Instead,
     you would continue the upgrade process, eventually reconnecting
     the disconnected server and upgrading it.
5.4.2  Running the Active Directory Installation Wizard After
       Upgrading the Primary Domain Controller
To upgrade the primary domain controller to become a domain
controller running Windows Server 2003, you must first run Setup to
upgrade the operating system. After the operating system is installed,
you can run the Active Directory Installation Wizard (which appears on
the screen the first time you log on). This section provides guidelines
for making choices in the Active Directory Installation Wizard when
upgrading the primary domain controller.
For information about preparations necessary before beginning the
upgrade, see "Stages in the Process of Upgrading Servers in a Windows
NT 4.0 Domain" earlier in this text file. For information about
starting Setup, see Server4.TXT.
   IMPORTANT: When you begin the upgrade of domain controllers running
   Windows NT 4.0, you must upgrade the primary domain
   controller first.
The following table shows the choices that are recommended when
running the Active Directory Installation Wizard on the server that
was formerly the primary domain controller. These recommendations are
for a network of two to five servers (a network within the size of
those discussed in this text file series):
Domain in a new forest        Choose Domain in a new forest.
Child domain in an            
existing domain tree          
Domain tree in an             
existing forest               
Forest functional level of    Choose Windows Server 2003 interim.
Windows Server 2003      
interim                       With this domain functional level,
(This choice appears only     you can have domain controllers
if Domain in a new forest     running Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 
was previously selected.)     Server 2003, but no domain
                              controllers running Windows 2000. 
                              For more information, see Help and 
                              Support Center.
During the upgrade, you can choose the location of three
important items: the database containing user accounts and other
Active Directory data, the log file, and the system volume (Sysvol)
folder. The database and the log file can be on any kind of partition
(FAT, FAT32, or NTFS); the database can expand by as much as a factor
of ten from the size it had with Windows NT, so allow plenty of room
for it. (Initially, the log file will take up very little space.) The
system volume folder must be on an NTFS partition. (For information
about NTFS and other file systems, see "Choosing a File System for the
Installation Partition" and "Reformatting or Converting a Partition to
Use NTFS" in Server3.TXT.)
5.4.3  Learning About Active Directory After the First Server
       is Upgraded
As soon as the first server is upgraded, you can open Help and
Support Center and read information about how to use Active Directory.
To open Help and Support Center, click Start, and then click Help and
Support. The following list provides suggestions about information to
   * Additional information about upgrading from a Windows NT 4.0
   * "New ways to do familiar tasks," that is, a table that compares
     the way you completed domain tasks with Windows NT with the way
     you complete those tasks with products in the Windows Server
     2003 family.
   * Domains and forests.
   * Functional levels (domain functional level and forest functional
     level). After upgrading the last domain controller in a Windows
     NT domain to become a domain controller running Windows Server
     2003, you have the option of changing functional levels, as
     described in the Active Directory topics.
   * The global catalog and also operations master roles, which you do
     not have to take action on as part of the upgrade, but might want
     to learn about.
You can also view the same topics about Active Directory on the
Web at:
For information about deployments and upgrades in multiple domains or
in domains larger than five servers, see the Windows Server 2003
Deployment Kit. You can view the Windows Deployment and Resource Kits
on the Web at:
5.4.4  Completing Further Upgrades from Windows NT 4.0
After you upgrade your primary domain controller and ensure that it
is functioning to your satisfaction, you can begin the upgrade of any
backup domain controllers. (You can upgrade member servers at any
Upgrade the backup domain controllers one at a time (ensure that each
is backed up before upgrading). Before beginning the upgrade of each
backup domain controller, make sure that at least one domain
controller running Windows Server 2003 is available on the network,
because the user accounts and other Active Directory data will be
copied from the domain controllers that have already been upgraded.
Start and test each server on the network to ensure that it is 
functioning to your satisfaction before upgrading another backup
domain controller.
An upgraded domain controller will appear as a Windows NT 4.0 primary
domain controller to servers and client computers running
Windows NT 4.0. However, it is recommended that you complete the
upgrade of all servers in the domain relatively quickly (rather than
allowing a long delay). This reduces the number of version differences
between computers, simplifying management and troubleshooting, and
also strengthens security.
If you have a remote access server that is a member server, it is
recommended that you upgrade it before the last domain controller is
upgraded. For more information, see "Planning Server Roles and the
Order of Server Upgrades from Windows NT" earlier in this text file.
This list outlines the basic decisions to make for a
new installation.
What licensing mode to use
With products in the Windows Server 2003 family, you can choose
between two licensing modes:
   * Per Device or Per User
   * Per Server
Per Device or Per User mode requires a separate Client Access License
(CAL) for each device or user that accesses a server running a product
in the Windows Server 2003 family. Per Server mode requires a
separate CAL for each concurrent connection to a server. For more
information about licensing, see "Choosing a Licensing Mode" later in
this text file.
Whether you want to be able to choose between different operating
systems each time you start the computer
You can set up a computer so that each time you restart it, you can
choose from several different operating systems. For more information,
see "Deciding Whether a Computer Will Contain More Than One Operating
System" in Server3.TXT.
What file system to use on the installation partition
You can potentially choose among three file systems for an
installation partition: NTFS, FAT, and FAT32. NTFS is strongly
recommended in most situations. It is the only file system that
supports Active Directory, which includes many important features
such as domains and domain-based security. However, it might be
necessary to have a FAT or FAT32 partition on a basic disk, if you
must set up the computer so that it sometimes runs Windows
Server 2003, Standard Edition, and sometimes runs Windows NT 4.0 or
an earlier operating system. For more information, see "Choosing a
File System for the Installation Partition" in Server3.TXT.
What partition or volume you plan to install the operating system on
If you are performing a new installation, review your disk partitions
or volumes before you run Setup (for an upgrade, you will use existing
partitions or volumes). Both partitions and volumes divide a disk into
one or more areas that can be formatted for use by one file system.
Different partitions and volumes often have different drive letters
(for example, C: and D:). After you run Setup, you can make
adjustments to the disk configuration, as long as you do not reformat
or change the partition or volume that contains the operating system.
For information about planning the partitions or volumes for a new
installation, see "Planning Disk Partitions or Volumes for New
Installations" in Server3.TXT.
How to handle IP addresses and TCP/IP name resolution
With TCP/IP (the protocol used on the Internet), you need to make
decisions about how to handle IP addressing and name resolution (the
translating of IP addresses into names that users recognize). For more
information, see "Networks: TCP/IP, IP Addresses, and Name Resolution"
in Server3.TXT.
Whether to create domains or workgroups for your servers
A domain is a group of accounts and network resources that share a
common directory database and set of security policies, and might have
security relationships with other domains. A workgroup is a more basic
grouping, intended only to help users find objects such as printers
and shared folders within that group. Domains make it easier for
an administrator to control access to resources and keep track of
users. For more information, see "Deciding Between Workgroups and
Domains" in Server3.TXT.
Products in the Windows Server 2003 family support two
licensing modes:
   * Per Device or Per User
   * Per Server
If you choose the "Per Device or Per User" mode, each device or user
that accesses a server running a product in the Windows
Server 2003 family requires a separate Client Access License (CAL).
With one CAL, a particular device or user can connect to any number of
servers running products in the Windows Server 2003 family. This
is the most commonly used licensing method for companies with more
than one server running products in the Windows Server 2003
In contrast, Per Server licensing means that each concurrent
connection to this server requires a separate CAL. In other words,
this server can support a fixed number of connections at any one time.
For example, if you select the Per Server client-licensing mode with
five licenses, this server could have five concurrent connections at
any one time (if each client requires one connection, this is five
clients at any one time). The clients using the connections do not
need any additional licenses.
The Per Server licensing mode is often preferred by small companies
with only one server. It is also useful for Internet or remote access
servers where the client computers might not be licensed as network
clients for products in the Windows Server 2003 family. You can
specify a maximum number of concurrent server connections and reject
any additional logon requests.
If you are unsure which mode to use, choose Per Server, because you
can change once from Per Server mode to Per Device or Per User mode at
no cost. After you choose Per Server and complete Setup, you can
display topics about licensing modes in Help and Support Center (click
Start, and then click Help and Support). If you use Terminal Server,
be sure to look for topics about Terminal Server Licensing.
(additional Setup information in Server3.TXT)
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                Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition
                    Setup Text Files, Part 3 of 4:
       Getting Ready for an Upgrade or a New Installation (cont.)
This part of the Setup text file series can help you plan for an
installation or upgrade to Microsoft Windows Server 2003,
Standard Edition, in a network with one to five servers and 100 or
fewer clients.
The following list of headings can help you find the planning
information that applies to you. For information about running Setup,
see Server4.TXT.
In Server1.TXT:
     1.0    Upgrades Compared to New Installations
     2.0    System Requirements and Hardware Compatibility
     3.0    Important Files to Review
     4.0    Upgrades in a Domain Containing Windows 2000 Domain
In Server2.TXT:
     5.0    Upgrades in a Windows NT 4.0 Domain
     6.0    Decisions to Make for a New Installation
     7.0    Choosing a Licensing Mode
In Server3.TXT:
     8.0    Deciding Whether a Computer Will Contain More Than One
            Operating System
     9.0    Choosing a File System for the Installation Partition
    10.0    Planning Disk Partitions or Volumes for New Installations
    11.0    Networks: TCP/IP, IP Addresses, and Name Resolution
    12.0    Deciding Between Workgroups and Domains
On a computer with an appropriate disk configuration (outlined in the
table later in this section), you can install more than one operating
system, and then choose between the operating systems each time you
restart the computer. For example, you could set up a server to run
Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, most of the time, but
allow it to sometimes run Windows NT Server 4.0 in order to support an
older application. (However, to do this you would need to make
specific file system choices and would need Service Pack 5 or later,
as described in "Multiple Operating Systems and File System
Compatibility" and "Choosing a File System for the Installation
Partition" later in this text file.) During restarts, a display would
appear for a specified number of seconds, allowing you to select
between the two operating systems. (You can specify a default
operating system that will run if no selection is made during the
restart process.)
The following table shows the disk configurations on which you can
install more than one operating system.
   IMPORTANT: You must follow the requirements in the following table.
   For example, on a basic disk, you must install each operating
   system, including Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, in a
   separate partition. This ensures that each operating system does
   not overwrite crucial files that are needed by another
   operating system.
Basic disk or disks  You can install multiple operating systems,
                     including Windows NT 4.0 and earlier
                     operating systems, on a basic disk. Each
                     operating system must be on a separate
                     partition or logical drive on the disk.
Single dynamic disk  You can install only one operating system.
                     However, if you used Microsoft Windows 2000 or
                     Microsoft Windows XP to change a disk with no
                     partitions directly to a dynamic disk, you must
                     revert the disk to basic before you can install
                     an operating system on it. For more information,
                     see "Working with Dynamic Disks and Setup" later
                     in this text file.
Multiple dynamic     Each dynamic disk can contain one installation
disks                of Windows 2000, Windows XP, or a product in
                     the Windows Server 2003 family. No other
                     operating systems can start from a dynamic disk.
                     However, if you used Windows 2000 or Windows XP
                     to change a disk with no partitions directly
                     to a dynamic disk, you must revert the disk
                     to basic before you can install an operating
                     system on it. For more information, see "Working
                     with Dynamic Disks and Setup" later in this text
8.1   Reasons to Install Only One Operating System
Setting up a computer so that you can choose between two or more
operating systems at startup does have an advantage: it allows you to
use applications that run only with a particular operating system.
However, there are definite reasons to install only one
operating system:
   * Each operating system uses valuable disk space.
   * Compatibility issues, especially file system compatibility, can
     be complex. For more information, see "Multiple Operating Systems
     and File System Compatibility" later in this text file.
   * On a dynamic disk (a storage type available with products in the
     Windows Server 2003 family), you can have only one operating
     system per disk. Dynamic disks also will not work with some
     operating systems. For more information, see the table in the
     previous section, "Deciding Whether a Computer Will Contain More
     Than One Operating System."
   * It is no longer necessary to maintain multiple operating systems
     as a safeguard against problems with starting the computer. With
     products in the Windows Server 2003 family, you have other
     options for system recovery. For example, if you have a problem
     with a newly installed device driver, you can use Safe Mode, in
     which Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, restarts with
     default settings and the minimum number of drivers. For more
     information about Safe Mode and other options for system
     recovery, see Help and Support Center.
8.2   Requirements for Setting Up a Computer with Multiple Operating
Before you decide to set up a computer with more than one operating
system, review the following restrictions.
On computers that contain Microsoft Windows 98 or
Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition and
Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition:
   * Install each operating system on a different partition, and
     install the applications used with an operating system on the
     same partition with it. If an application is used with two
     different operating systems, install it on two partitions.
   * Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition must be installed on a
     basic disk on a partition formatted with FAT or FAT32. If either
     Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition is not installed on the
     system partition, which is almost always the first partition on
     the disk, the system partition must also be formatted with FAT or
   * Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, must be installed
     last. Otherwise important files that are needed for starting
     Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, could be overwritten.
   * File system compatibility might be an issue. See "Multiple
     Operating Systems and File System Compatibility" later in this
     text file.
On computers that contain Windows NT 4.0 and Windows Server 2003,
Standard Edition:
   * See "Multiple Operating Systems and File System Compatibility"
     and "Computers That Contain Windows NT 4.0 and
     Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition," later in this
     text file.
On computers that contain some combination of Windows Server
2003, Standard Edition, with Windows 2000 or Windows XP, or that
contain multiple partitions with products in the Windows Server
2003 family:
   * Install each operating system on a different partition or, for
     dynamic disks, on a different disk, and install the applications
     used with an operating system on the same disk or partition with
     it. If an application is used with two different operating
     systems, install it in two places.
   * Choose any product in the Windows Server 2003 family for
     installation on a specific partition. For example, you could
     install Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, in one
     location and Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition,
     in another.
   * If Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition,
     are installed, Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, must
     be installed last. Otherwise important files that are needed for
     starting Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, could
     be overwritten.
   * If the computer participates in a domain, use a different
     computer name for each installation. Because a unique security
     identifier (SID) is used for each installation on a domain, the
     computer name for each installation must be unique, even for
     multiple installations on the same computer.
   * If you want to use the Encrypting File System (EFS), you must
     take certain steps to ensure that encrypted files will be
     available from each of the installations. For more information,
     see "Multiple Operating Systems and the Encrypting File System"
     later in this text file.
8.3   Multiple Operating Systems and File System Compatibility
On computers that contain multiple operating systems, compatibility
becomes more complex when you consider file system choices. The file
systems to choose from are NTFS, FAT, and FAT32. (For more
information, see "Choosing a File System for the Installation
Partition" later in this text file.)
NTFS is normally the recommended file system because it is more
efficient and reliable, and supports important features including
Active Directory and domain-based security. With NTFS, however, you
need to take file system compatibility into account when considering
whether to set up a computer to contain more than one operating
system, because with Windows 2000 and the Windows Server 2003
family, NTFS has new features in addition to those in Windows NT.
Files that use any new features will be completely usable or readable
only when the computer is started with Windows 2000 or a product in
the Windows Server 2003 family. For example, a file that uses the
new encryption feature will not be readable when the computer is
started with Windows NT Server 4.0, which was released before the
encryption feature existed. (For more information about features that
affect file accessibility with products in the Windows
Server 2003 family, see "NTFS" later in this text file.)
   IMPORTANT: If you want to set up a computer with both Windows NT
   and Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, and you want to
   have an NTFS partition, the only appropriate version of
   Windows NT is version 4.0 with the latest released Service Pack.
   Using the latest Service Pack maximizes compatibility between
   Windows NT 4.0 and Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition.
   (Specifically, you must have Service Pack 5 or later.) Even the
   latest Service Pack, however, does not provide access to files
   using the new features in NTFS.
Using NTFS as the only file system on a computer that contains both
Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, and Windows NT is not
recommended. On these computers, a FAT partition containing the
Windows NT 4.0 operating system ensures that when started with
Windows NT 4.0, the computer will have access to needed files. In
addition, if Windows NT is not installed on the system partition,
which is almost always the first partition on the disk, it is
recommended that the system partition also be formatted with FAT.
If you set up a computer so that it starts with Windows NT 3.51 or
earlier on a FAT partition, and Windows Server 2003,
Standard Edition, on an NTFS partition, when that computer starts with
Windows NT 3.51, the NTFS partition will not be visible. If you set up
a computer this way, and the partition containing Windows NT 3.51 is
not the system partition (which is almost always the first partition
on the disk), the system partition must also be formatted with FAT.
8.4   Computers That Contain Windows NT 4.0 and Windows
      Server 2003, Standard Edition
If you plan to set up a computer so that it contains Windows NT 4.0
and Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, first review the
following precautions:
   * It is no longer necessary to maintain multiple operating systems
     as a safeguard against problems with starting the computer. With
     products in the Windows Server 2003 family, you have other
     options for system recovery. For example, if you have a problem
     with a newly installed device driver, you can use Safe Mode, in
     which Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, restarts with
     default settings and the minimum number of drivers. For more
     information about Safe Mode and other options for system
     recovery, see Help and Support Center.
   * Using NTFS as the only file system on a computer that contains
     both Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, and Windows NT
     is not recommended. Follow the guidelines in "Multiple Operating
     Systems and File System Compatibility" earlier in this text file.
   * Make sure that Windows NT 4.0 has been updated with the latest
     released Service Pack. For details, see "Multiple Operating
     Systems and File System Compatibility" earlier in this text file.
   * Install each operating system on a different partition, and
     install the applications used with an operating system on the
     same partition with it. If an application is used with two
     different operating systems, install it on two partitions.
   * Do not install Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, on a
     compressed drive unless the drive was compressed with the NTFS
     file system compression feature.
   * Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, must be installed
     last. Otherwise important files that are needed for starting
     Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, could be overwritten.
   * If the computer participates in a domain, use a different
     computer name for each installation.
8.5   Multiple Operating Systems and the Encrypting File System
If you set up a server so that it contains some combination of
Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, with Windows 2000 or
Windows XP, or contains multiple partitions with products in the
Windows Server 2003 family, and you want to use the Encrypting
File System (EFS) on the computer, you must take certain steps. These
steps make encrypted files readable between the
different installations.
   * One approach is to ensure that all the installations are in the
     same domain and that the user of these installations has a
     roaming profile.
   * Another approach is to export the user's file encryption
     certificate and associated private key from one installation and
     import it into the other installations.
For more information about EFS, roaming user profiles, and importing
and exporting certificates, see Help and Support Center. To open Help
and Support Center, after completing Setup, click Start, and then
click Help and Support.
You can choose among three file systems for an
installation partition: NTFS, FAT, and FAT32. NTFS is strongly
recommended in most situations.
   Note: You can use important features such as Active Directory and
   domain-based security only by choosing NTFS as your file system.
The following table lists a number of installation scenarios (the
last two scenarios are fairly uncommon) and provides file system
guidelines for each one:
                                      FILE SYSTEM TO USE AND
The computer currently uses NTFS      Continue to use NTFS.
only (no FAT or FAT32).
                                      No additional information
                                      about file systems needed.
The computer has one or more FAT      Consider reformatting or
or FAT32 partitions.                  converting partitions so all
AND                                   partitions use NTFS.
The computer contains only one
operating system, or the              For more information, see
operating systems on the computer     "Reformatting or Converting a
include Windows 2000, Windows XP,     Partition to Use NTFS" later in
or products in the Windows            this text file.
Server 2003 family, but no other
operating systems.
The computer will contain             For any partition that must
multiple operating systems, one       be accessible from MS-DOS,
of which is MS-DOS,                   Windows 95, Windows 98
Microsoft Windows 95,                 Windows Millennium Edition,
Windows 98, or Windows Millennium     use FAT (or when appropriate,
Edition.                              FAT32).
                                      For more information, see
                                      "Requirements for Setting Up a
                                      Computer with Multiple Operating
                                      Systems" earlier in this text
The computer will contain             Read "Multiple Operating
multiple operating systems, one       Systems and File System
of which is Windows NT.               Compatibility" earlier in
                                      this text file.
The sections that follow provide information about reformatting or
converting a FAT or FAT32 partition to use NTFS, as well as additional
background information about NTFS, FAT, and FAT32.
9.1   Reformatting or Converting a Partition to Use NTFS
If you have a FAT or FAT32 partition on which you want to install a
product in the Windows Server 2003 family, and you want to use
NTFS instead, you have two choices:
   * You can convert the FAT or FAT32 partition to NTFS. This leaves
     files intact, although the partition may have somewhat more
     fragmentation and slower performance than a partition formatted
     with NTFS. However, it is still advantageous to use NTFS,
     regardless of whether the partition was formatted with NTFS
     or converted.
     If you install a product in the Windows Server 2003 family
     on a FAT or FAT32 partition, you are offered the option to
     convert the partition to NTFS. You can also convert a FAT or
     FAT32 partition after Setup by using Convert.exe. For more
     information about Convert.exe, after completing Setup, click
     Start, click Run, type cmd and then press ENTER. In the command
     window, type help convert, and then press ENTER.
   * You can reformat the partition with NTFS. This erases all files
     on the partition, but results in less fragmentation and better
     performance than with a converted partition.
If you format a partition during Setup, the file systems choices are
listed as NTFS and FAT. The following table provides information about
the relationship between partition size and file system choices during
                                SETUP CHOICES AND RESPONSES
Unformatted,                    Setup offers NTFS or FAT.
less than 2 GB.                 Setup uses the format chosen.
Unformatted,                    Setup offers NTFS or FAT.
2 GB or larger, up to a         If FAT is chosen, Setup uses FAT32.
maximum of 32 GB.
Unformatted,                    Setup allows only NTFS.
larger than 32 GB.
Previously formatted            No formatting needed, even though an
with FAT32 and                  unformatted partition of this size,
larger than 32 GB. (Partition   when formatted during or after Setup
created with Windows 95,        for a product in the Windows
Windows 98, or Windows          Server 2003 family, would have to
Millennium Edition.)            use NTFS. In other words, the
                                Windows Server 2003 family
                                continues to support
                                previously-formatted FAT32 partitions
                                of this size.
If you format a partition during Setup, you can choose between a quick
format and a full format:
Quick format
Quick format creates the file system structure on the disk without
verifying the integrity of every sector. Choose this method for any
disk that has no bad sectors and no history of file-corruption
problems that might be related to bad sectors.
Full format
A full format identifies and tracks bad sectors so that they are not
used for storing data. Choose this method for any disk that has bad
sectors or has a history of file-corruption problems that might be
related to bad sectors.
9.2   NTFS Compared to FAT and FAT32
NTFS has always been a more powerful file system than FAT and FAT32.
Windows 2000, Windows XP, and the Windows Server 2003 family
include a new version of NTFS, with support for a variety of features
including Active Directory, which is needed for domains, user
accounts, and other important security features. For more details
about features in NTFS, see "NTFS" later in this text file.
FAT and FAT32 are similar to each other, except that FAT32 is
designed for larger disks than FAT. The file system that works most
easily with large disks is NTFS.
The following table describes the compatibility of each file system
with various operating systems.
   Note: File system choices have no effect on access to files across
   the network. For example, using NTFS on all partitions on a server
   does not affect clients connecting across a network to shared
   folders or shared files on that server, even if those clients run
   an earlier operating system such as Windows 98 or Windows NT.
NTFS                        FAT                   FAT32
A computer running          Access to files on    Access to files on
Windows 2000, Windows XP,   a local partition     a local partition
or a product in the         is available          is available only
Windows Server 2003         through MS-DOS, all   through Windows 95
family can access files     versions of Windows,  OSR2, Windows 98, 
on a local NTFS partition.  and OS/2.             Windows Millennium
A computer running                                Edition,
Windows NT 4.0 with                               Windows 2000,
Service Pack 5 or later                           Windows XP, and
might be able to access                           products in the
some files. Other                                 Windows
operating systems allow                           Server 2003 family.
no local access.
The following table compares disk and file sizes possible with each
file system.
NTFS                            FAT              FAT32
Recommended minimum volume      Volumes from     Volumes from 33 MB
size is approximately 10 MB.    floppy disk      to 2 TB can be
                                size up to 4 GB. written to or read
Maximum volume and partition                     using products in
sizes start at 2 terabytes (TB) Does not         the Windows
and range upward. For example,  support domains. Server 2003 family.
a dynamic disk formatted with                    
a standard allocation unit                       Volumes up to 32 GB
size (4 KB) can have                             can be formatted as
partitions of 16 TB minus 4 KB.                  FAT32 using products
For more information about                       in the Windows
maximum volume and partition                     Server 2003 family.
sizes, see the Microsoft Windows
Server 2003 Resource Kit, "Server                Does not support
Management Guide."                               domains.
Cannot be used on floppy disks.
Maximum file size is            Maximum file     Maximum file size is
potentially 16 TB minus 64 KB,  size is 2 GB.    4 GB.
although files cannot be
larger than the volume or
partition they are located on.
9.3   NTFS
This section provides background information about the features
available with NTFS. Some of these features include:
   * Better scalability to large drives. The maximum partition or
     volume size for NTFS is much greater than that for FAT, and as
     volume or partition sizes increase, performance with NTFS does
     not degrade as it does with FAT.
   * Active Directory (and domains, which are part of Active
     Directory). With Active Directory, you can view and control
     network resources easily. With domains, you can fine-tune
     security options while keeping administration simple. Domain
     controllers and Active Directory require NTFS.
   * Compression features, including the ability to compress or
     uncompress a drive, a folder, or a specific file. (However, a
     file cannot be both compressed and encrypted at the same time.)
   * File encryption, which greatly enhances security. (However, a
     file cannot be both compressed and encrypted at the same time.)
   * Permissions that can be set on individual files rather than
     just folders.
   * Remote Storage, which provides an extension to your disk space by
     making removable media such as tapes more accessible. (This
     feature is not included with Windows Server 2003, Web
     Edition, or with Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition.)
   * Recovery logging of disk activities, which allows NTFS to restore
     information quickly in the event of power failure or other system
   * Sparse files. These are very large files created by applications
     in such a way that only limited disk space is needed. That is,
     NTFS allocates disk space only to the portions of a file that are
     written to.
   * Disk quotas, which you can use to monitor and control the amount
     of disk space used by individual users.
This is only a partial list of the features in NTFS in the
Windows Server 2003 family.
For information about converting or reformatting a FAT or FAT32
partition, see "Reformatting or Converting a Partition to Use NTFS"
earlier in this text file.
You must plan your disk partitions before you run Setup only if both
of the following conditions are true:
   * You are performing a new installation, not an upgrade.
   * The disk on which you are installing is a basic disk, not a
     dynamic disk. Basic disks are the disk type that existed before
     Windows 2000; most disks are basic disks. Dynamic disks are disks
     that once were basic but were changed to dynamic using Windows
     2000, Windows XP, or a product in the Windows Server 2003
     family. If you plan to install to a dynamic disk, you cannot
     change the volume or partition sizes on the disk during Setup,
     and therefore no planning is needed regarding partition sizes.
     Instead, review the guidelines in "Working with Dynamic Disks and
     Setup" later in this text file.
Disk partitioning is a way of dividing your physical disk so that
each section functions as a separate unit. When you create partitions
on a basic disk, you divide the disk into one or more areas that can
be formatted for use by a file system, such as FAT or NTFS.
Different partitions often have different drive letters (for example,
C: and D:). A basic disk can have up to four primary partitions, or
three primary partitions and one extended partition. (An extended
partition can be subdivided into logical drives, while a primary
partition cannot be subdivided.)
   IMPORTANT: If you plan to delete or create partitions on a hard
   disk, be sure to back up the disk contents beforehand, because
   these actions will destroy any existing data. As with any major
   change to disk contents, it is recommended that you back up the
   entire contents of the hard disk before working with partitions,
   even if you plan to leave one or more of your partitions alone.
Do not install Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, on a
compressed drive unless the partition was compressed with the NTFS
file system compression feature. (Uncompress a DriveSpace or
DoubleSpace drive before running Setup on it.)
Before you run Setup to perform a new installation, determine the
size of the partition on which to install. There is no set formula for
figuring a partition size. The basic principle is to allow plenty of
room for the operating system, applications, and other files that you
plan to put on the installation partition. The files for setting up
Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, require approximately 1.25
GB to 2 GB, as described in "System Requirements" in Server1.TXT. It
is recommended that you allow considerably more disk space than the
minimum amount. It is not unreasonable to allow 4 GB to 10 GB on the
partition, or more for large installations. This allows space for a
variety of items, including optional components, user accounts, Active
Directory information, logs, future service packs, the paging file
used by the operating system, and other items.
When you perform a new installation, you can specify the partition on
which to install. If you specify a partition on which another
operating system exists, you will be prompted to confirm your choice.
During Setup, create and size only the partition on which you want to
install Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition. After installation
is complete, you can use Disk Management to manage new and existing
disks and volumes. This includes creating new partitions from
unpartitioned space; deleting, renaming, and reformatting
existing partitions; adding and removing hard disks; and changing a
basic disk to the dynamic disk storage type, or dynamic to basic. (If
you want to have a dynamic disk on a computer that contains more than
one operating system, be sure to read "Deciding Whether a Computer
Will Contain More Than One Operating System" earlier in this text
   IMPORTANT: If you are setting up a computer so that it contains
   multiple operating systems, you must install
   Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, on its own partition
   or logical drive. This ensures that Windows Server 2003,
   Standard Edition, will not overwrite crucial files that are needed
   by the other operating system. For more information, see "Deciding
   Whether a Computer Will Contain More Than One Operating System"
   earlier in this text file.
10.1   Disk Partition Requirements for Remote Installation Services
If you plan to use Remote Installation Services on this server so
that you can install operating systems onto other computers, a
separate partition for use by Remote Installation Services is
necessary. Plan on using NTFS on this partition: NTFS is required for
the Single Instance Store feature of Remote Installation Services.
If you need to create a new partition for Remote Installation
Services, plan on doing it after Setup, and leave enough unpartitioned
disk space so that you can create it (at least 4 GB of space is
recommended). As an alternative, you can plan to make the disk a
dynamic disk, which allows more flexibility in the use of the disk
space than a basic disk. (However, if you want to have a dynamic disk
on a computer that contains more than one operating system, see
"Deciding Whether a Computer Will Contain More Than One Operating
System" earlier in this text file.)
For more information about Remote Installation Services and about
disk and partition choices, see Help and Support Center. To open Help
and Support Center, after completing Setup, click Start, and then
click Help and Support.
10.2   Options When Partitioning a Disk
You can change the partitions on your disk during Setup only if you
are performing a new installation, not an upgrade. You can modify the
partitioning of the disk after Setup by using Disk Management.
If you are performing a new installation, Setup examines the hard
disk to determine its existing configuration, and then offers the
following options:
   * If the hard disk is unpartitioned, you can create and size the
     partition on which you will install a product in the
     Windows Server 2003 family.
   * If the hard disk is partitioned but has enough unpartitioned disk
     space, you can create the partition for your
     Windows Server 2003 family product by using the
     unpartitioned space.
   * If the hard disk has an existing partition that is large enough,
     you can install a product in the Windows Server 2003 family
     on that partition, with or without reformatting the partition
     first. Reformatting a partition erases all data on the partition.
     If you do not reformat the partition, but you do install a
     Windows Server 2003 family product where there is already an
     operating system, that operating system will be overwritten, and
     you must reinstall any applications you want to use with the
     Windows Server 2003 family product.
   * If the hard disk has an existing partition, you can delete it to
     create more unpartitioned disk space for a partition for a
     product in the Windows Server 2003 family. Deleting an
     existing partition also erases any data on that partition.
10.3   Working with Dynamic Disks and Setup
A dynamic disk is a disk using the new storage type introduced with
Windows 2000. If you changed a disk to dynamic and you want to perform
a new installation on the disk, review the following.
   * If you used Windows 2000 or Windows XP to change a disk with no
     partitions directly to a dynamic disk, you must revert the disk
     to basic before you can install an operating system on it.
        CAUTION: All data will be lost in the process of reverting the
        disk to basic, so back it up first.
You can use Windows 2000 or Windows XP to revert the disk, or you can
use the Setup program for a product in the Windows Server 2003
family. To use Windows 2000 or Windows XP, follow the instructions in
Help for your operating system. To use Setup for a product in the
Windows Server 2003 family, during the partitioning phase, find
the dynamic disk among the list of available partitions and then
delete it (which erases all data on all volumes). You will be prompted
to confirm your action. After you do this, the disk will contain only
unpartitioned space, and you can use Setup to create a new (basic
disk) partition on it.
   * If you plan to rerun Setup on a computer on which a product in
     the Windows Server 2003 family was already installed, and
     the computer contains dynamic disks, be sure to read about the
     limitations for installing operating systems on disks that are
     changed to dynamic using a product in the
     Windows Server 2003 family. For more information, see topics
     about dynamic disks and the partition table in Help and Support
     Center. To open Help and Support Center, after completing Setup,
     click Start, and then click Help and Support.
10.4   Working with Volume, Mirror, or Stripe Sets or Stripe Sets
       with Parity
If you used Windows NT 4.0 to create a volume set, mirror set, stripe
set, or stripe set with parity, and you want to run Setup for
Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, on that computer, you
must prepare the disk set first. For details, see "Working with
Volume, Mirror, or Stripe Sets, or Stripe Sets with Parity"
in Server2.TXT.
TCP/IP is the network protocol that provides Internet access.
To use TCP/IP, make sure that each server is provided with an IP
address, either a dynamic or automatic address provided through
software, or a static address that you obtain and set. Because these
addresses are numbers and therefore hard to remember, you will also
have to provide users with names that are easier to use. Mapping this
type of name to an IP address is called name resolution, and can be
accomplished by various methods, primarily the Domain Name System
(DNS) and Windows Internet Name Service (WINS). The following sections
provide more information.
For detailed information about TCP/IP, DHCP, DNS, and WINS, see Help
and Support Center as well as the Windows Server 2003 Resource
Kit. To open Help and Support Center, after completing Setup, click
Start, and then click Help and Support.
You can also view Help and Support Center topics on the Web at:
11.1   IP Addresses
As outlined in the preceding section, using TCP/IP requires that an
IP address be provided for each computer. This section describes IP
addressing options. There are two basic approaches for providing an IP
address for a server you are installing:
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
You can provide IP addresses to the computers on your network by
configuring one or more DHCP servers, which provide IP addresses
dynamically to other computers. A DHCP server must itself be assigned
a static IP address.
One server or several servers can provide DHCP along with one or more
name resolution services, which are called Domain Name System (DNS)
and Windows Internet Name Service (WINS). The name resolution services
are described in the next section, "Name Resolution for TCP/IP."
If you want to run Setup before you have finalized your decisions
about which server to use as your DHCP server and what static IP
address to assign to that server, you can choose "Typical settings" in
the Networking Settings dialog box during Setup and complete the
network configuration later. If you do this and there is no DHCP
server in the network, Setup will use a limited IP addressing option
called Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA). During the time that a
server is using APIPA, it can communicate only with other computers
using APIPA on the same network segment. A server that is using APIPA
cannot make connections to the Internet (for browsing or e-mail), and
cannot be used with DNS or Active Directory (which depends on DNS).
If you know which server you want to use as your DHCP server, when
installing that server, in the Networking Settings dialog box in
Setup, choose "Custom settings," and specify a static IP address and
related network settings. For more information about how to do this,
see "Specifying Networking Settings" in Server4.TXT.
Static IP addressing
For certain types of servers, you must assign a static IP address and
subnet mask during or after Setup. These servers include DHCP servers,
DNS servers, WINS servers, and any server providing access to users on
the Internet. It is also recommended that you assign a static IP
address and subnet mask for each domain controller. If a computer has
more than one network adapter, you must assign a separate IP address
for each adapter.
If you want to run Setup on a server before you have finalized your
decision about the static IP address you want to assign to that
server, you can choose "Typical settings" in the Networking Settings
dialog box during Setup and configure that server later. In this
situation, if there is a DHCP server in the network, Setup will obtain
an IP address configuration from DHCP. If there is no DHCP server in
the network, Setup will use Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA).
APIPA is described in the previous item in this list, "Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP)."
For more information about static IP addresses, including private IP
addresses (which you choose from certain ranges of addresses) and
public IP addresses (which you obtain from an Internet service
provider), see Help and Support Center. To open Help and Support
Center, after completing Setup, click Start, and then click Help
and Support.
11.2   Name Resolution for TCP/IP
Name resolution is a process that provides users with easy-to-remember
server names, instead of requiring them to use the numerical
IP addresses by which servers identify themselves on the TCP/IP
network. The name-resolution services are Domain Name System (DNS) and
Windows Internet Name Service (WINS).
DNS is a hierarchical naming system used for locating computers on
the Internet and private TCP/IP networks. One or more DNS servers are
needed in most installations. DNS is required for Internet e-mail, Web
browsing, and Active Directory. DNS is often used as a name resolution
service in domains with clients running Windows 2000, Windows XP, or
products in the Windows Server 2003 family.
DNS is installed automatically when you create a domain controller
(or when you install Active Directory on an existing member server,
which makes it a domain controller), unless the software
for Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, detects that a DNS
server already exists for that domain. You can also install DNS by
choosing the DNS server role in Manage Your Server or by using
Add/Remove Windows Components, which is part of Add or Remove
Programs in Control Panel.
If you plan to install DNS on a server, specify a static IP address
on that server and configure that server to use that IP address for
its own name resolution.
If you provide support for clients running Windows NT or any earlier
Microsoft operating system, you might need to install Windows Internet
Name Service (WINS) on one or more servers in the domain. You might
also need to install WINS if it is required by your applications. You
can install WINS after Setup by choosing the WINS server role in
Manage Your Server or by using Add/Remove Windows Components, which is
part of Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel.
If you plan to install WINS on a server, specify a static IP address
on that server.
A domain is a group of accounts and network resources that share a
common directory database and set of security policies, and might have
security relationships with other domains. A workgroup is a more basic
grouping, intended only to help users find objects such as printers
and shared folders within that group. Domains are the recommended
choice for all networks except very small ones with few users.
In a workgroup, users might have to remember multiple passwords, one
for each network resource. (In addition, different users can use
different passwords for each resource.) In a domain, passwords and
permissions are simpler to keep track of, because a domain has a
single, centralized database of user accounts, permissions, and other
network details. The information in this database is replicated
automatically among domain controllers. You determine which servers
are domain controllers and which are simply members of the domain. You
can determine these roles not only during Setup but afterward.
Domains, and the Active Directory directory system of which they are
a part, provide many options for making resources easily available to
users while maintaining good monitoring and security. For more
information about Active Directory, see Help and Support Center (after
completing Setup, click Start, and then click Help and Support).
You can also view Help and Support Center topics on the Web at:
12.1   Planning for Domain Controllers and Member Servers
With Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition;
Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition; or Windows
Server 2003, Datacenter Edition, servers in a domain can have one of
two roles: domain controllers, which contain matching copies of the
user accounts and other Active Directory data in a given domain, and
member servers, which belong to a domain but do not contain a copy of
the Active Directory data. (A server that belongs to a workgroup, not
a domain, is called a stand-alone server.) It is possible to change
the role of a server back and forth from domain controller to member
server (or stand-alone server), even after Setup is complete. However,
it is recommended that you plan your domain before running Setup and
change server roles (and server names) only when necessary.
Multiple domain controllers provide better support for users,
compared to a single domain controller. With multiple domain
controllers, you have multiple copies of user account data and other
Active Directory data; however, it is still important to perform
regular backups, including Automated System Recovery backups, and
familiarize yourself with the methods for restoring a domain
controller. In addition, multiple domain controllers work together to
support domain controller functions, such as carrying out logon
validations. For more information about domain controllers and other
Active Directory topics, see Help and Support Center (after completing
Setup, click Start, and then click Help and Support).
(additional Setup information in Server4.TXT)
Information in this document, including URL and other Internet
Web site references, is subject to change without notice.
Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations,
products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places
and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association
with any real company, organization, product, domain name,
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should be inferred. Complying with all applicable copyright laws
is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights
under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced,
stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
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(c) 2002-2003 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may
be the trademarks of their respective owners.
                Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition
                    Setup Text Files, Part 4 of 4:
                            Running Setup
This part of the text file series provides recommendations for
preparing your system for a new installation or an upgrade, and it
explains how to run Setup for Microsoft Windows
Server 2003, Standard Edition.
This part of the text file series also provides a description of the
Manage Your Server program, which appears after Setup completes
the installation. Together, Setup and the Manage Your Server program
help you get your servers up and running quickly.
For more information about the deployment of servers, see the Microsoft
Windows Server 2003 Deployment Kit. You can view the Windows
Deployment and Resource Kits on the Web at:
The following list of headings can help you find the information
about running Setup that applies to you. For information about
planning an upgrade or a new installation, see Server1.TXT,
Server2.TXT, and Server3.TXT.
     1.0   Preparing Your System for an Upgrade
     2.0   Starting Setup for an Upgrade
     3.0   Preparing Your System for a New Installation
     4.0   Starting Setup for a New Installation
     5.0   Planning for Unattended Setup
     6.0   Entering Server Settings for a New Installation
     7.0   Configuring Your Server
     8.0   Product Activation for Products in the 
           Windows Server 2003 Family 
This section describes the basic steps to take in preparing your
server for an upgrade.
1.1   Checking the System Log for Errors
Use Event Viewer to review the system log for recent or recurring
errors that could cause problems during the upgrade. For information
about viewing errors, see Help for the operating system that you
are running.
1.2   Backing Up Files
Before upgrading, it is recommended that you back up your current
files, including anything containing configuration information, for
example, the System State and the system and boot partitions. You can
back up files to a variety of different media, such as a tape drive or
the hard disk of another computer on the network.
1.3   Preparing Mirror Sets and Other Disk Sets for an Upgrade
      (Windows NT 4.0 only)
With the disk management technologies in Microsoft Windows NT 4.0,
you could create volume sets, mirror sets, stripe sets, or stripe sets
with parity, each with specific capabilities and limitations. By using
dynamic disks, introduced with Microsoft Windows 2000, you can take
advantage of similar technologies, and with Windows Server 2003,
Standard Edition, you can also extend dynamic volumes without
repartitioning or reformatting.
This transition from the technologies used in Windows NT 4.0 means
that you must make certain choices before running Setup for
Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition. For important information
about these choices, see "Working with Volume, Mirror, or Stripe Sets
or Stripe Sets with Parity" in Server2.TXT.
1.4   Disconnecting UPS Devices
If you have an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) connected to your
target computer, disconnect the connecting serial cable before running
Setup. Setup automatically attempts to detect devices connected to
serial ports, and UPS equipment can cause problems with the detection
1.5   Reviewing Hardware and Software
When you start Setup for an upgrade, the first process it carries out
is a check for compatible hardware and software on your computer.
Setup displays a report before continuing. Use this report, along with
information in Relnotes.htm (in the \Docs folder on the Setup CD), to
find out whether you need to update your hardware, drivers, or
software before upgrading.
Confirm that your hardware and software is designed for products in
the Windows Server 2003 family by checking the hardware and
software compatibility information in the Windows Catalog at:
If you have hardware devices that do not use Plug and Play, see
"Taking an Inventory of Devices That Do Not Use Plug and Play"
in Server1.TXT.
If you are upgrading to Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition,
you can start Setup from the CD or from a network. For information
about the versions of Windows from which you can upgrade, see
"Operating Systems from Which You Can Upgrade" in Server1.TXT.
For information about providing a mass storage driver or a Hardware
Abstraction Layer (HAL) file during Setup, see "Providing a Mass
Storage Driver or a HAL File" later in this text file.
   IMPORTANT: To run Setup for an upgrade, you must be a member of the
   Administrators group on the local computer. If the computer is
   joined to a domain, members of the Domain Admins group might be
   able to perform this procedure. As a security best practice, if
   you start Setup from a computer running Windows 2000, consider
   using Run as.
   Run as is a secondary logon method that you can use to start
   commands or programs using a different security context. For
   example, you can log on as a member of the Users group and,
   without logging off, run a command as a member of the
   Administrators group. To find more information in Windows 2000
   about Run as, on a server running Windows 2000, click Start, click
   Help, click the Search tab, and then search for "runas."
   1. Insert the CD in the drive, and wait for Setup to display a
      dialog box.
   2. Follow the Setup instructions.
   1. On a network server, share the installation files by either
      inserting the CD and sharing the CD-ROM drive or by copying the
      files from the I386 folder on the CD to a shared folder.
   2. On the computer on which you want to install Windows
      Server 2003, Standard Edition, connect to the shared folder or
      drive that contains the Setup files.
   3. Run Setup.exe.
   4. Follow the Setup instructions.
This section describes the basic steps to take in preparing your
server for a new installation.
3.1   Checking the System Log for Errors
If the computer already has a working operating system, review the
system log for recent or recurring errors (especially hardware errors)
that could cause problems during the installation. For information
about viewing event logs, see Help for the operating system on
your computer.
3.2   Backing Up Files
Before you perform a new installation, it is recommended that you
back up your current files, unless the computer has no files or the
current operating system files have been damaged. You can back up
files to a variety of different media, such as a tape drive or the
hard disk of another computer on the network.
3.3   Uncompressing the Drive
Uncompress any DriveSpace or DoubleSpace volumes before installing.
Do not install Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, on a
compressed drive unless the drive was compressed with the NTFS file
system compression feature.
3.4   Preparing Mirror Sets and Other Disk Sets (Windows NT 4.0 only)
With the disk management technologies in Windows NT 4.0, you could
create volume sets, mirror sets, stripe sets, or stripe sets with
parity, each with specific capabilities and limitations. By using
dynamic disks, introduced with Windows 2000, you can take advantage of
similar technologies, and with Windows Server 2003, Standard
Edition, you can also extend dynamic volumes without repartitioning or
This transition from the technologies used in Windows NT 4.0 means
that you must make certain choices before running Setup for
Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition. For important information
about these choices, see "Working with Volume, Mirror, or Stripe Sets
or Stripe Sets with Parity" in Server2.TXT.
3.5   Disconnecting UPS Devices
If you have an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) connected to your
target computer, disconnect the connecting serial cable before running
Setup. Setup automatically attempts to detect devices connected to
serial ports, and UPS equipment can cause problems with the detection
This section explains how to start Setup for a new installation.
Setup works in several stages, prompting you for information, copying
files, and restarting. Setup concludes with the Manage Your Server
program, which you can use to adjust the server configuration for your
specific needs.
For important information to help you make the initial choices
offered by Setup, see Server2.TXT and Server3.TXT. For information
about unattended Setup and other options available when you start
Setup, see "Planning for Unattended Setup" later in this text file.
4.1   Providing a Mass Storage Driver or a HAL File
If you have a mass storage controller that requires a driver supplied
by the manufacturer, or if you have a custom Hardware Abstraction
Layer (HAL) file supplied by the manufacturer, provide the appropriate
driver file or HAL file during Setup.
4.1.1  Mass Storage Drivers and the Setup Process
If you have a mass storage controller (such as a SCSI, RAID, or Fibre
Channel adapter) for your hard disk, confirm that the controller is
designed for products in the Windows Server 2003 family by
checking the hardware and software compatibility information in the
Windows Catalog at:
If your controller is compatible, but you are aware that the
manufacturer has supplied a separate driver file for use with products
in the Windows Server 2003 family, obtain the file (on a floppy
disk) before you begin Setup. During the early part of Setup, a line
at the bottom of the screen prompts you to press F6. Further prompts
will guide you in supplying the driver file to Setup so that it can
gain access to the mass storage controller.
If you are not sure whether you must obtain a separate driver file
from the manufacturer of your mass storage controller, you can try
running Setup. If the controller is not supported by the driver files
on the Setup CD and therefore requires a driver file that is supplied
by the hardware manufacturer, Setup stops and displays a message
saying that no disk devices can be found, or it displays an incomplete
list of controllers. After you obtain the necessary driver file,
restart Setup, and press F6 when you are prompted.
4.1.2  Using a Custom HAL File
If you have a custom Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) file supplied
by your computer manufacturer, before you begin Setup, locate the
floppy disk or other medium containing the file. During the early part
of Setup, a line at the bottom of the screen prompts you to press F6:
at this time press F5 (not F6). After you press F5, follow the prompts
to include your HAL file in the Setup process.
4.2   Methods for Starting Setup for a New Installation
The sections that follow, "Starting a New Installation from a CD" and
"Starting a New Installation from a Network," explain how to start
Setup for a new installation. For information about starting Setup for
an upgrade, see "Starting Setup for an Upgrade" earlier in this
text file.
For information about unattended Setup and other options available
when you start Setup, see "Planning for Unattended Setup" later in
this text file.
4.2.1  Starting a New Installation from a CD
If you use the Setup CD, you have several options for starting Setup,
as explained in the following procedures:
   Note: If you are running Setup on a computer running
   Microsoft Windows 3.x or MS-DOS, for best efficiency, use disk
   caching. Otherwise, the Setup the Setup process (started from
   Winnt.exe) could take a long time. To enable disk caching on a
   computer running Windows 3.x or MS-DOS, you can use SMARTDrive.
   For information about SMARTDrive, see the documentation for
   Windows 3.x or MS-DOS.
   1. Insert the CD in the drive.
   2. At the command prompt, type:
      where d is the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive.
   3. Type:
      cd i386
   4. Type:
   5. Follow the Setup instructions.
Before starting this procedure on a computer running
Windows NT 4.0, apply Service Pack 5 or later.
   1. Insert the CD in the drive.
   2. To begin Setup, do one of the following:
      * For a computer running any version of Windows other than
        Windows 3.x, wait for Setup to display a dialog box.
      * For a computer running Windows 3.x, use File Manager to change
        to the CD-ROM drive and to change to the I386 directory, and
        then double-click Winnt.exe.
   3. Follow the Setup instructions.
Another way of using the Setup CD is to start the computer from
the CD-ROM drive. This method applies only if you want to perform a
new installation, not an upgrade. Using this method, you can perform
an installation on a computer that does not have an operating system,
although you can also use this method on computers that have
operating systems.
   1. Determine whether the computer on which you want to start Setup
      can be started from the CD-ROM drive and whether you want to
      perform a new installation (not an upgrade). Continue only if
      both are true.
   2. Insert the CD in the drive, and then restart the computer.
   3. Follow the instructions for your operating system to boot the
      computer from the CD.
   4. Wait for Setup to display a dialog box, and then follow the
      Setup instructions.
4.2.2  Starting a New Installation from a Network
To install Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, from a
network, you either share the files directly from the CD or copy them
to a shared folder. Then, you start the appropriate program to
run Setup.
   1. On a network server, share the installation files, either by
      inserting the CD and sharing the CD-ROM drive or by copying the
      files from the I386 folder on the CD to a shared folder.
   2. On the computer on which you want to install
      Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, connect to the
      shared Setup files:
      * If you are sharing the CD-ROM drive, connect to the shared
        drive and change to the I386 folder.
      * If you are sharing a folder, connect to that folder.
   3. Find and run the appropriate file in the I386 directory of the
      CD or in the shared folder:
      * From a computer running MS-DOS or Windows 3.x, run Winnt.exe.
      * From a computer running Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows
        Millennium Edition, Windows NT with Service Pack 5 or later,
        Windows 2000, or Windows XP, run Winnt32.exe.
   4. Follow the Setup instructions.
This section provides general information about unattended Setup. For
detailed instructions on running unattended Setup (also called
automated installation), see "Automating and Customizing
Installations" in the Windows Server 2003 Deployment Kit. You can
view the Windows Deployment and Resource Kits on the Web at:
To simplify the process of setting up a product in the Windows
Server 2003 family on multiple computers, you can run Setup
unattended. To do this, you create and use an answer file, a
customized script that answers the Setup questions automatically.
Then, you run Winnt32.exe or Winnt.exe with the appropriate options
for unattended Setup. Choose the command according to the operating
system that is running when you start unattended Setup:
   * To start unattended Setup on a computer running MS-DOS or
     Windows 3.x, use Winnt.exe (with the appropriate options).
   * To start unattended Setup on a computer running Windows 95,
     Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT, Windows 2000,
     Windows XP, or a product in the Windows Server 2003 family,
     use Winnt32.exe (with the appropriate options). With
     Windows NT 4.0, before starting unattended Setup, apply Service
     Pack 5 or later.
To learn about unattended Setup, see the following sources:
   * For detailed instructions on running unattended Setup (also
     called automated installation): See "Automating and Customizing
     Installations" in the Windows Server 2003 Deployment Kit
     (described in the first paragraph of this section).
   * To view the command options available for Winnt.exe: On a
     computer running Windows 3.x or MS-DOS, insert the Setup CD for
     Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, in the CD-ROM drive
     and open the command prompt. Then, change to the CD-ROM drive,
     change to the I386 directory, and type:
     winnt /?
   * To use an x86-based computer to view the command options
     available for Winnt32.exe: On a computer running Windows 95,
     Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT, Windows 2000,
     Windows XP, or a product in the Windows Server 2003 family,
     insert the Setup CD for Windows Server 2003, Standard
     Edition, in the CD-ROM drive, and open the command prompt. Then,
     change to the CD-ROM drive, change to the I386 directory, and
     winnt32 /?
   * To use an Itanium architecture-based computer to view the command
     options available for Winnt32.exe: On an Itanium
     architecture-based computer running Windows XP 64-Bit Edition;
     the 64-bit version of Windows Server 2003,
     Enterprise Edition; or the 64-bit version of
     Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition, insert the Setup CD
     for the 64-bit version of the product in the CD-ROM drive and
     open the command prompt (click Start, click Run, and then type
     cmd). Then, change to the CD-ROM drive, change to the IA64
     directory, and type:
     winnt32 /?
If you are upgrading, you can skip this section because Setup uses
your previous settings.
After you start Setup, a process begins in which necessary Setup
files are copied to the hard disk. During this process, Setup displays
dialog boxes that you can use to select various options.
The following sections outline the items that you specify as you run
Setup. Before working with these sections, see Server2.TXT
and Server3.TXT for important background information about issues such
as partitions, file system choices, and the handling of TCP/IP name
resolution. You can modify some settings after running Setup by using
the Configure Your Server Wizard or other configuration tools.
   Note: If you have a mass storage controller (such as a SCSI, RAID,
   or Fibre Channel adapter) for your hard disk, see "Providing a
   Mass Storage Driver or a HAL File" earlier in this text file.
   If you have specialized hardware that requires a custom Hardware
   Abstraction Layer (HAL) file supplied by your computer
   manufacturer, see "Using a Custom HAL File" earlier in this
   text file.
Choosing or Creating a Partition for Windows Server 2003,
Standard Edition
During a new installation of Windows Server 2003,
Standard Edition, a dialog box gives you the opportunity to create or
specify a partition on which you want to install. You can create a
partition from the available unpartitioned space, specify an existing
partition, or delete an existing partition to create more
unpartitioned disk space for the new installation. If you specify any
action that will cause information to be erased, you will be prompted
to confirm your choice.
For more information, see the section on planning partitions for new
installations in Server3.TXT.
   IMPORTANT: If you delete an existing partition, all data on that
   partition is erased. Performing a new installation of
   Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, on a partition that
   contains another operating system overwrites the existing
   operating system.
Selecting Regional and Language Options
You can set up Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, to use
multiple languages and regional options.
If you select a European country or region in the list of
countries/regions, or if you live in a country or region where the
euro has been introduced, it is a good idea to verify that the
default currency settings in Regional and Language Options meet your
needs. After you run Setup, you can modify these options by clicking
Regional and Language Options in Control Panel.
Personalizing Windows
Enter your name and, as an option, your organization.
If you select a European country or region in the list of
countries/regions, or if you live in a country or region where the
euro has been introduced, it is a good idea to verify that the default
currency settings in Regional and Language Options meet your needs.
After you run Setup, you can modify regional and language options by
clicking Regional and Language Options in Control Panel.
Choosing a Licensing Mode
Select your client licensing mode. For information about licensing
modes, see Server2.TXT. If you are unsure which mode to use, select
"Per Server," because you can change once from "Per Server" mode to
"Per Device or Per User" mode at no cost.
Entering Your Computer Name
During Setup, in the Computer Name and Administrator Password dialog
box, follow the instructions for entering your computer name. The
recommended length for most languages is 15 characters or less. For
languages that require more storage space per character, such as
Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, the recommended length is 7 characters
or less.
It is recommended that you use only Internet-standard characters in
the computer name. The standard characters are the numbers from 0
through 9, uppercase and lowercase letters from A through Z, and the
hyphen (-) character. Computer names cannot consist entirely
of numbers.
If you are using DNS on your network, you can use a wider variety of
characters, including Unicode characters and other nonstandard
characters, such as the ampersand (&). Using nonstandard characters
might affect the ability of non-Microsoft software to operate on your
network. For more information about DNS, see "Name
Resolution for TCP/IP" in Server3.TXT.
The maximum length for a computer name is 63 bytes. If the name is
longer than 15 bytes (15 characters in most languages, 7 characters in
some), computers running Windows NT Server 4.0 and earlier will
recognize this computer by the first 15 bytes of the name only. In
addition, there are additional configuration steps for a name that is
longer than 15 bytes. For more information, in Help and Support
Center, see "Namespace planning for DNS." To view Help and Support
Center, after running Setup, click Start, and then click Help
and Support.
If a computer is part of a domain, you must choose a computer name
that is different from any other computer in the domain. To avoid name
conflicts, the computer should be unique on the domain, workgroup, or
network. If this computer is part of a domain, and it contains more
than one operating system, you must use a unique computer name for
each operating system that is installed. For example, if the computer
name is FileServerNT when the computer is started with Windows NT
Server 4.0, the computer must have a different name, perhaps
FileServerNew, when it is started with a product in the Windows
Server 2003 family. This requirement also applies to a computer that
contains multiple installations of the same operating system. For more
information, in Help and Support Center, see "Planning your domain
Setting the Administrator Account Password
During Setup, in the Computer Name and Administrator Password dialog
box, type a password of up to 127 characters in the Administrator
Password box. For the strongest system security, use a password of at
least 7 characters, and use a mixture of uppercase and lowercase
letters, numbers, and other characters, such as *, ?, or $.
   IMPORTANT: After Setup is completed, for best security, change the
   name of the Administrator account (it cannot be deleted) and keep
   a strong password on the account at all times. For more information
   about security and the administrative rights and permissions held
   by the Administrator account and the Administrators group, see Help
   and Support Center. You can view Help and Support Center after
   Setup is complete by clicking Start, and then clicking Help
   and Support.
Setting the Date and Time
During Setup, in the Date and Time Settings dialog box, set the date,
time, and time zone. If you want the system to automatically adjust
for daylight saving time, select the "Automatically adjust clock for
daylight saving changes" check box.
You can change your computer's date and time after Setup is complete.
If your computer is a member of a domain, your computer clock is
probably synchronized automatically by a network time server. If your
computer is not a member of a domain, you can synchronize your
computer clock with an Internet time server.
Specifying Networking Settings
You can specify networking information for TCP/IP or other protocols
during Setup, or you can use typical settings and then make any
necessary changes to your networking configuration after installation.
For basic background information about TCP/IP configuration and
Setup, see "Networks: TCP/IP, IP Addresses, and Name Resolution"
in Server3.TXT. For additional information about TCP/IP configuration,
see Help and Support Center as well as the Windows Deployment and
Resource Kits for the Windows Server 2003 family. To open Help
and Support Center, after completing Setup, click Start, and then
click Help and Support.
   * When you click "Typical settings" in the Networking Settings
     dialog box, Setup checks to see if there is a DHCP server on your
     network. If there is a DHCP server on your network, DHCP provides
     an IP address. If there is no DHCP server on your network, Setup
     will use a limited IP addressing option called Automatic Private
     IP Addressing (APIPA). On a server using APIPA, complete the
     network configuration after Setup, because a server using APIPA
     can communicate only with other computers using APIPA on the same
     network segment.
     For basic background information about IP address configuration,
     including additional information about the limitations of APIPA,
     see "IP Addresses" in Server3.TXT.
   1. During Setup, in the Networking Settings dialog box, click
      "Custom settings," and then click Next.
   2. In the Networking Components dialog box, click Internet
      Protocol (TCP/IP).
   3. Click Properties.
   4. In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box, click
      "Use the following IP address."
   5. In IP address, Subnet mask, and Default gateway, type the
      appropriate addresses.
   6. Under "Use the following DNS server addresses," type the address
      of a preferred DNS server and, optionally, an alternate
      DNS server.
      If the local server is the preferred or alternate DNS server,
      type the same IP address as assigned in the previous step.
   7. If you will use a WINS server, click Advanced, and then click
      the WINS tab in the Advanced TCP/IP Settings dialog box to add
      the IP address of one or more WINS servers.
   8. Click OK in each dialog box, and continue with Setup.
Specifying the Workgroup or Domain Name
A domain is a group of accounts and network resources that share a
common directory database and set of security policies and might have
security relationships with other domains. A workgroup is a more basic
grouping, intended only to help users find objects such as printers
and shared folders within that group. Domains make it easier for an
administrator to control access to resources and keep track of users.
For more information, see "Deciding Between Workgroups and Domains"
in Server3.TXT.
For more information about name conflicts, see "Entering Your
Computer Name" earlier in this text file.
When Setup is complete, the computer restarts. Setup has now
completed the basic installation. Manage Your Server appears on the
screen the first time you log on as the computer's administrator. You
can use Manage Your Server to install and configure server roles,
including file servers, print servers, Web and media servers, and
networking and communications servers. You can start Manage Your
Server at any time if you are logged on as an administrator. To start
Manage Your Server, click Start, and then either click Manage Your
Server or point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and
then click Manage Your Server.
Also at this point, you can view Help and Support Center by clicking
Start, and then clicking Help and Support. If you have used Windows NT
in the past, one topic you might find useful is "New ways to do
familiar tasks," which is available in the online Help topics or
through use of the Search feature in Help and Support Center.
Choosing Server Components
You can use the Windows Components Wizard to select the appropriate
components for your server. To use this wizard, after running Setup,
click Start, and then click Control Panel. In Control Panel,
double-click Add or Remove Programs, and then, on the left side of the
dialog box, click Add/Remove Windows Components. With this wizard you
can choose and install individual components.
After you install a product in the Windows Server 2003 family,
if the product was purchased individually rather than through a volume
licensing arrangement, you will have to activate the product unless
your hardware manufacturer has preactivated it for you. Product
activation is quick, simple, and unobtrusive, and it protects your
privacy. It is designed to reduce software piracy (illegal copies of a
product). Over time, reduced piracy means that the software industry
can invest more in product development, quality, and support. This
results in better products and more innovation for customers.
The following details help explain product activation:
Software reminders
Until you activate your product, it provides a reminder each time you
log on and at common intervals until the end of the activation grace
period stated in your End-User License Agreement (30 days is the
typical grace period). If your activation grace period passes and you
do not activate the product, your computer will continue to function,
except that when you log on locally or log on through Remote Desktop
for Administration (the new name for the Windows 2000 functionality
known as Terminal Services in Remote Administration Mode), you will
only be able to use the Activate Windows Wizard.
How the software handles activation
Activation is simple and anonymous. When you activate your product,
it means that your product key is now associated with the computer
(the hardware) it is installed on. After that happens, your product
key cannot be used for activation on other computers (unless you are
enrolled in a special program that permits additional activations, for
example, a program through the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN)).
Your local operating system does some of the work of creating the
association between your product key and the computer it is installed
on. It uses your Product ID, which is derived from your product key,
and puts it together with a coded number (called a hardware hash) that
uniquely represents the hardware components that make up your computer
(without representing any personal information or anything about the
software). When you activate, you provide this number, through the
Internet or by phone, so that it can be confirmed as representing a
legal installation. After you activate, if another person has an
illegal copy of your software, and that person tries to use your
product key to activate the software on another computer, the coded
numbers will show that your product key is already associated with a
particular set of hardware (your computer). The other person's
activation will not work.
The Installation ID that the local operating system generates,
representing the association between your product key and the computer
it is installed on, is used only for the purpose of activation.
Methods for activation
After your operating system is installed, begin activation by
clicking Start, and then clicking Activate Windows. (You can also
click the key icon that appears in the lower right corner of the
screen.) By following the instructions on the screen, you can activate
through the Internet or by phone:
   * Internet: When you activate through the Internet, your computer
     transmits coded information that shows that your product key
     is associated with your computer hardware. Activation is
     carried out through a secure server. A confirmation ID is
     passed back to your computer, automatically activating your
     product. This process normally takes just a few seconds to
     complete. No personally identifiable information is required
     to activate your product.
   * Phone: When you activate by phone, information on the screen
     guides you through a few simple steps. When you choose the
     country or region where you are located, a phone number
     (toll-free, wherever possible) appears on your screen. When you
     call the number, a customer service representative asks for the
     Installation ID that is displayed on your screen. The customer
     service representative enters that number into a secure
     database, confirms that the number represents a legally
     installed product, and provides a confirmation ID to you. Then,
     you type the confirmation ID into the spaces provided on the
     screen, and activation is complete.
Reactivation (rarely needed)
If you overhaul your computer by replacing a substantial number of
hardware components (not just a few), the operating system might view
your hardware as a completely different computer, not the one on which
you activated. In this situation, you can call the telephone number
displayed on the telephone activation screen, and, through a quick,
simple process, you can reactivate your product.
8.1   Product Activation Compared to Product Registration
Product activation is not the same as product registration. As
discussed above, product activation is required, and it is completely
anonymous. Product registration, in contrast, is completely optional,
and it allows you to provide personal information, such as your e-mail
address, if you choose. Registration entitles you to receive
information about product updates and special offers directly from
Microsoft. All registration information provided is stored securely,
and no information is ever loaned or sold to other parties.
Information in this document, including URL and other Internet
Web site references, is subject to change without notice.
Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations,
products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places
and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association
with any real company, organization, product, domain name,
e-mail address, logo, person, place or event is intended or
should be inferred. Complying with all applicable copyright laws
is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights
under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced,
stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express
written permission of Microsoft Corporation.
Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks,
copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject
matter in this document.  Except as expressly provided in any
written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this
document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks,
copyrights, or other intellectual property.
(c) 2002-2003 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may
be the trademarks of their respective owners.

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